Sunday, December 23, 2007

1-2 Live Cash Update

Haven't played live since my last update, just a little bit of online PLO. So far at PLO, I am up I think 8 buy ins now. So I am steadily building my PLO bankroll. As for live, I went last night to Awkwesasne to play some 1-2.

I love playing there, the action is good and the players are awful. I will go through my session, feedback is welcome.

Bought in for the max - $100. I was at the table with 2 of my friends and there were 3 older people and that's it. I didn't really feel like playing yet because my opponents (non friends) had less than $50 each, but a couple other players sat down and I was fine with that. I was playing tight early on, just wanted to get a feel for how my opponents were playing and from my perspective this is the image I had on my opponents.

Seat 1 - Me.
Seat 2 - Player my age, solid, knows what he is doing.
Seat 3 - Middle aged male, limps alot of pots, but raises preflop with the goods, doesn't bluff.
Seat 4 - My friend
Seat 5 - My friend
Seat 6 - Older female, calling station.
Seat 7 - Weak tight middle aged male.
Seat 8 - Older female, weak tight.
Seat 9 - Middle aged male, LAG, knows what he is doing.
Seat 10 - Husband to Seat 6, calling station.

Hand 1:

My stack - $100

Seat 6 limps, seat 10 completes his SB, I check my BB with AJo. Flop is A K 6, I fire out $7, they both call. At this point, I feel I have the best hand, they would raise me here with a better hand from my read on them, they are stations so I want to get max. Pot = $27, Turn is 3x, I bet $15, Seat 6 folds, but her husband calls. I put him on a weak ace, but if he had 2 pair, again, I'm pretty sure he would raise me, so I still think I am ahead. Pot = $57, River is a 4, I bet $10 and he calls with K 7. Sure I went to value town, and I bet very small, but I don't think he was calling anymore, maybe $15, but oh well, I got max I think. This hand was a few hands in, and I never dipped below my starting stack, this was the beginning of my amazing session.

Hand 2:

My stack - $120~

Seat 6, 7, 8, 10 limp. I have 6h3h, normally in my position (the CO) I would put in a raise, but with this many limpers, knowing they will all call me preflop when I raise to $15, so I decide to limp and see a cheap flop. Button calls, SB (seat 3) makes it $12 total, seat 7 calls, I call with odds and if I flop a monster I get paid for sure, button calls. I put SB on KK or AA for sure he definately has a monster. Pot = $52. Flop is 2x 4s 5s. SB bets out $40, seat 7 folds. Basically, by putting the SB on KK or AA, I raise here no matter what and he will call, if I flat call, it might look suspicious, also if a spade hits the turn, he will slow down. So I play with my chips, and I go all in. It was $132 total, so $92 for him to call. The button goes all in for his last $38, so there is $4 in the side pot. It looks like the SB is having a tough time making this decision and my friend asked me what I have, and I said I have an overpair, 10s I am probably ahead here. The SB calls me with QQ. I think if I didn't say I had 10 10, he was going to fold. So there is now $166 in the main pot, and $188 in the side pot, I am all in, the SB has me covered.

Flop: 2x 4s 5s

My hand: 3h6h, button: A 3, SB: QxQs

Turn: 7s (The PokerStars turn)

River: 8x

Ship it. My stack was now $354 and growing strong.

Hand 3:

My stack - $320~

Two limpers, I make it $12 in the CO with 3d4d, SB calls, and so do both limpers. The flop was Qd 10x 5d. SB (seat 3) leads out $25, seat 7 limper calls (I put him on open ended), other limper (seat 10) calls, I figure he has a weak pair, he's such a station. I could raises here to represent AA or KK, but I think SB might have a strong hand and I would rather see my diamond for cheap. I put SB on AQ at this point. I guess if I put him on that, I could raise to represent my hand, but I think he still calls me and I would rather hit a cheap turn. So I call. Pot = $150. Turn is a 4c. Now I have more outs, any 3, 4 or diamond. SB leads out again for $80 this time. Seat 7 says well, I must go home now and shoves his last like $45 or something in the pot, I called the $80 assuming I have 14 outs. Pot = $310~, River is a 3. I have 2 pair now, this hand just got interesting. SB checks. Now, he was either bluffing with AdKd, and missed his draw, is trying to get me to bet into him, or has AQ/KQ and is scared of me. I decide to check, there is $310 in the pot, I didn't hit my flush, the pots big enough and the SB shows Q 10 for top 2, I saw his hand and nearly puked, I thought I won the hand for sure when he checked, and the all in showed KJ. I said, thank you so much for checking, because I don't think I was going anywhere, maybe if he shoved, I could get away from it, but he said, I wanted you to bet. Hand done, and my stack is just over $200 now.

Hand 4:

My stack - $210~

Some newer players at the table, I won't go into crazy detail, I'll just explain the hand and what kind of player they are throughout the hand. Loose, terrible player limps UTG. Seat 9 (LAG - good player) limps as well, I make it $12 with 1010, folds back to the limpers who both call. Flop is 10d 9d 8s, UTG leads for $12, other guy calls. UTG has about $70 behind, seat 9 has about $75 behind. Either I make it $50, which is what I would do if the stacks were deeper, but it would only leave both of them with like $25 behind, so I just shoved my stack in. UTG folded and seat 9 called instantly, I was praying he didn't have 7 6 or Q J because he definately could have in this spot, I also didn't want to see a flush draw, but whatever. I showed my 10s and he said good hand and showed 10s9s. Again the turn gives him a flush draw, river blanks out, and I take it down. Pot = $211~

Hand 5:

My stack - $315~

UTG limps, another limper, I make it $12 with QQ in the CO. Button calls, both limpers call. Flop was 10 9 8. Checked to me, I bet $20, button folded, UTG shoved for $56 total, folds back to me. This guy is weak tight, he could have a set and even the straight here, which I was obviously worried about, but I had to call $36 into a pot of $88. I was getting almost 2.5 : 1 and I could hit a J to win. He shows K 10 and I take the pot down.

That was my last decent pot of the night. A drunk donk came and was going all in blind and I was hoping to catch a hand but didn't. I ended the night and left around 1:00am, after playing since 9:00pm. I cashed out $495 total for $395 profit. Another good night at the live games. It would have been so sick if I caught that diamond when I had 34, would have been like another $300 richer :P.

Oh well, got some money to keep building my roll to get to the $2/$5 game, and I also got enough money to pay off the speeding ticket I got 3 days ago. That was not nice. 136 kph in a 100 kph zone on the 416, I have never had a ticket and he didn't give me a break at all, I figured he would bring it down to maybe 125 kph, but nope. $271 ticket later, I was furious.

Happy holidays.

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Little PLO

It's exam time, I have my last exam tomorrow (Saturday Dec 15th) and I am done school until January! I am looking forward to a great Christmas Holidays, I have just had so much school work to do and it will for sure be an awesome break. My girlfriend is coming home from Maine, and I haven't seen her since August, so it will be good to see her again.

As far as poker goes, since my last post, I had been playing quite a bit of live poker. I wanted to get as much in before I started to study for my exams. Since then, I have been playing online. I won a $4.40 180, and also I have gotten into PLO. Recently I had been talking to Galen about PLO. He is insanely good at it and it really perked my interest to start playing. He was basically pointing out the basics about it, and from what he told me, PLO is definately a much different game than I had anticipated. I have played it before, but I would want to play almost every hand. After watching and talking with Galen, it's crazy how disciplined you need to be to play this game.

I definately cannot afford to take my bankroll and play middle stakes PLO, so I decided to start out at 0.01/0.02 and they allow you to buy in for $5 max at that limit - which is awesome. So far after playing maybe 5 hours, I am up approximately 5 or 6 buy ins, and that 5 hours is spread over a few days, so I think I am doing quite well for now especially as a beginner, but I am really eager to continue playing - it is a very fun game.

As far as my Christmas holidays go, I will be hopefully playing as much live poker as I can and of course PLO online, and maybe some tourneys here and there. I will be hanging out with my girlfriend as much as possibly since she is leaving for Costa Rica on the 31st for 10 days - major bad beat considering I only see her 3 times a year - but I am happy for her to be going on a well deserved vacation.

I would like to wish everybody a safe and happy holidays, I will be back soon.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Crusing Right Along

Last night (Tuesday), I went to "the sauce" (Awkwesasne Mohawk Bingo Palace) last night since I have no where else to play live and I absolutely love live poker and I crush this game. Not necessarily crush, but I am steadily building up a bankroll at the $1/$2 - $100 max tables; which of course is amazing.

I am starting to get to know the regulars now and they are all really nice and respect who I am and what I do. They all understand I am a winning player and it's kind of cool to realize people respecting that. I know I don't make a distinguishing amount of money playing poker, but it just makes me feel good and it gives me confidence, not that I already have it playing against these guys.

Last night was probably one of the coolest sessions I've played in a while. I didn't make alot of cash, but it was the juiciest game I've seen in a while. For about 2 hours there were consistent raises to $12 preflop with 5 or 6 callers everytime. Everyone is fairly tight also so everybody was getting some cards preflop last night, but obviously there are some loose cannons who are major donks. I think after last night, I have the most hands to talk about than any other session and this wasn't my longest session by far.

I always apologize in my blogs because they are long, and again I am sorry because this will be extremely long, but I really hope you guys understand and any advice is accepted. I have been playing cash games for a couple of years now and it is my best game, I am not a tournament player.

I will talk about all the hands and what I was thinking for the most part, I think I made a couple of mistakes but I think I have the write thinking for each one.

I always play tight early on, get a feel for how everyone is playing and then go from there and try and establish my image.

Hand 1:

A tight player (player A) opened for $8, he had KK twice in a row and made a hero call with A high, but a small pot. When he raises between $6 and $10 it isn't a powerful hand, a pot building one, so KsQs, AhJh, etc. A weak tight player (B) calls, a loose player (C) makes it $25, it folds to be in the SB, and I have 1010. Now, I have a strong feeling the re raise to 25 is QQ KK AA and possibly AK. And it sucks because you can only buy in for $100 or I would insta call the re-raise. I have around $90 and decide to flat call. I flat called for 2 reasons. One - I'm obviously set mining with a feeling I'm behind. Two - if I shove hoping we're racing, player A or B won't be calling and therefore I want there $25 in the pot also if I hit my set. I thought this was a mistake just cold calling just because the stacks aren't deep enough, but going through the hand I think it was the right play. Players A and B called and there is over $100 in the pot. I have $65 now. The flop is A J 8 rainbow. Player A checks, B moves in, C folds KK face up, and I fold my 10s, A folds as well. I'm glad I didn't shove pre.

Hand 2:

EP limper, fairly solid, but very weak tight. Another weak tight limper, I make it $12 on the button with 22. Leaving myself $53 or so behind. Both call. Flop is A 3 5r. Checks to me, I obviously C-bet, $15, first limper says "I put you all in", other folds, and I said "Well - I want to reload so sure." Clearly this is a mistake on my part, I only had $50 left, I 99% of 6 outs which I could hit, if not, I seriously just wanted to reload again. He has AK. And I do in fact have 6 outs. Turn was a K and the river was a 4 and I spiked my gutterball, whoops! He was furious and wouldn't stop talking shit to me. I said "You aren't made at me are you?" And he just gave me the most dejected look I've ever seen and kept mumbling under his breath. I said again, "Hey man - you want me to make that call, don't be mad at me. Right play, wrong result." Now my image is sort of setting in.

I was up to about $120 now. And I limped LP with Ac5c after two limpers and the BB checked. The BB is the guy I just donked with 22. The flop was 5 5 8. BB bet out $12 into $16 or so. I made it $30. We had a pretty interesting talk, and he was saying he didn't think I would raise that much if I had the 5 and I told him I have the 5 and to go go all in, it was much more than $40 total anyways. I finally called the clock to make it seem like I don't want him to call, or maybe I have A 8 or something and he finally shoved and I showed my A 5 and he mucked 1010 after the board ran out J 3. He left, extremely angry. I was up to just over $200 now.

Hand 3:

You will probably think this is a dumb hand, but after I explain it, I hope you will understand. Couple of limpers, and CO makes it $27 preflop. Which is a massive raise, but I've never seen him show down a hand and he has been raising frequently and he always raises to at least $20. I cold call $27 in the BB with 6s7s. Now I know I will take some heat for making this call, he has me covered and if I hit the right flop I can double up. It's heads up and I clearly hit the most amazing flop I could ask for. It was A A 5. I checked. He bet out $30, which to me was weak, and for sure doesn't have an A - he would have checked. I thought for a minute and called. The turn was a 4, and I checked again, and he checked. Perfect, he was C-betting and can't call me on the river unless he's slowplaying. He has to have trouble calling with KK QQ JJ if I bet the river. The river was a 6, I paired up, and fired out $45, not a huge bet, the pot was $120 before the river. I think it's the perfect bet, and I played this hand the same way I would if I had an A. He folded instantly. I showed my hand to let people know I am not afraid to play large pots with hands like that and to set up my image which I think should be setting in by now.

Hand 4:

There were 2 limpers, and I made it $12 in the CO with AK. The SB (loose player) calls, and so did the limpers. The flop was 4 6 K rainbow. SB led out for $15, the limpers folded and I put him on a weak 6 or 4 and he's trying to find out if I actually have a hand or not and I make it $50 to make it seem like I'm still C-betting. He says "whoa - do you have pocket kings?" Right away I know he's trying to scare me like he hit a set, but I know he didn't because he wouldn't have flat called my $50 on the flop to try and slowplay since he is putting me on a big hand or nothing. Anyways, he checks the 8 on the turn and I checked as well, to disguise my hand and now he's gotta think I was totally C-betting the flop. The river was an A - decent card, improves my hand in case he did hit 2 pair, but definately a bad card if he has a set cause I will pay him off. He bets $75 into $150. I thought about it for a minute or two and I just couldn't put him on a hand, and I called. He had 5 7 for the nuts. I mucked. I was pretty upset about this hand, and told him he made a great call preflop and on the flop. He then went on to say I'm a donk for doing the same thing with pocket 2's. I didn't say anything after he said that, and I tried so hard not to shove blind for the next like 7 hands on crazy tilt, but I'm surprised I kept my composure, which I definately need to play live poker especially when I'm only an hour into the session. I'm interested on what you guys think about this hand, obviously I should have folded, but I just couldn't put him on the straight or a set, and if I put him on 2 pair I clearly win. I was back down to $115.

I dwindled down to about $85 or so and the table was getting smaller. It was down to 6 handed which I absolutely love. The donks were also gone, so now I could take advantage of the tight guys and win some pots.

I was being very aggressive and raising alot preflop no matter what cards I had in position and taking some pots down.

Hand 5:

UTG limper, doens't scare me. I make it $12 with 63 off in the CO, SB and UTG call. The flop was Kd Qd 8x. They checked to me, I bet $15, they both called. Turn was a 5x, and they both checked again. They either think I'm betting again and want me to, or they have the flush draw and I will found out when the river comes. I checked and the river was a 2x. They both checked again and I bet $35, they both mucked and one guy said to the other, well I missed my flush, did you miss yours and he just mucked his cards.

Hand 6:

I call $7 with Ah3h in the SB, BB calls as well. Flop is Jh 8h 3x. I check, BB checks, original raiser bets $10, I call, BB calls. Turn Qh, I led out for $15 and said this is for my flush, it worked last night, can it work again? They both called. The rivbomb was a blank and I bet $25, BB called leaving himself $3, and the raiser folded, I showed and the BB has 9 10 for the straight. I went on to raise the next hand with Ks8s on the button and the guy went all in for $3 and I got 2 more callers, the flop was K K 7, they checked and I bet $5 into the side pot, they folded and I won the pot.

Hand 7:

Five handed now, I'm at around $120 after losing some chips. Two limpers, I make it $12 with AA in the SB, they both call, I bet $30 on the 10 4 2 flop, which I could have bet less, but they still probably fold.

Hand 8:

Called a standard raise preflop with KJ, 3 handed, $24 in the pot, flop was J J 6, it checked around, the turn was a Q, it checked around, I bet $30 on the river which was a 9, one folded, other said I have to pay you, and I took it down.

Hand 9:

I forgot to explain this one, the table was still full and there were like 6 limpers and I checked the BB with Q 2. Flop was Qx 2d 2x. Checked around, turn was a Kd, it checked around to the CO who bet out $12, I called. River was a Jd. I bet out $35, and he said, you hit those diamonds eh, I said "No, I have a Q". He said "Yeah - the Q of diamonds?" . I showed my Qh, and he called me with A 2, he looked at me like he won the pot, he didn't notice my boat. Haha, it was funny, and if I didn't show him that card, he doesn't call me.

Hand 10:

Back to 5 handed, another standard raise to $7, this guy opened alot of pots. I made it $18 with AA in the BB, and I got 2 callers. Flop was J J 7, I bet out $15, got one caller. 4 on the turn, and I bet out $20, he called again, I bet $15 on the river, major value town, and if he raises I can get away from it if he does have a J, he said he couldn't fold for $15 and I took it down.

Hand 11:

Opened for $10 on the button with AQ, the BB shoved for his last $32 total, I called, he had AK. He took it down.

Hand 12:

Same thing, I made it $10 on the button with Qh10h, the BB shoved again, for like $35, he lost some chips, and he had KK. Why does he always have a monster when I raise the button with mediocre hands. Flop was 10 3 7, turn 3, river 10. Bad suckout, I felt bad, cause I liked the guys I was playing with. But I can't feel bad for taking someones money playing poker.

That was the session, It was 4:30am and decided to leave, it would have been 3 handed because the 2 guys busted so. I profited $160 last night, felt really good, had some good reads and was able to pick the guys apart short handed. Thanks for any advice. GL to me in tournies tonight (wednesday).

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Running Bad.....................askdjhgasjhdfgskla


Ever since my little MTT victory, I've been running like the gayestly bad of all bad. I know it happens to everyone, and we all talk about it, and that is why I have a blog. I always run into AA when I have AK AQ, and I always run into a higher kicker when I have AJ, KQ etc, and it's really annoying, I don't have hand histories to post, because I am too lazy to save them, but I saved one from tonight cause I'm just bummed out.

PokerStars Game #13640745565: Tournament #68767910, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2007/12/04 - 03:32:31 (ET)
Table '68767910 2' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: gigagambler (4642 in chips)
Seat 2: jonmac3 (1295 in chips)
Seat 3: fbtmof05 (2715 in chips)
Seat 4: SilentNut (6745 in chips)
Seat 5: dipschmit (2995 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 6: dbleagle (2180 in chips)
Seat 7: josé delgado (1532 in chips)
Seat 8: bishybish3 (4305 in chips)
Seat 9: illeatu19 (3050 in chips)
bishybish3: posts small blind 75
illeatu19: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to fbtmof05 [7d 7h]
gigagambler: calls 150
jonmac3: folds
fbtmof05: raises 375 to 525
SilentNut: folds
dipschmit: folds
dbleagle: folds
josé delgado: folds
bishybish3: folds
illeatu19: folds
gigagambler: calls 375
*** FLOP *** [3d Ts 9d]
gigagambler: checks
fbtmof05: bets 800
gigagambler: raises 800 to 1600
fbtmof05: raises 590 to 2190 and is all-in
gigagambler: calls 590
*** TURN *** [3d Ts 9d] [Qd]
*** RIVER *** [3d Ts 9d Qd] [Ad]
fbtmof05 said, "lol"
*** SHOW DOWN ***
gigagambler: shows [Kd 5d] (a flush, Ace high)
fbtmof05: shows [7d 7h] (a flush, Ace high - lower cards)
fbtmof05 said, "why are you so bad"
gigagambler collected 5655 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5655 | Rake 0
Board [3d Ts 9d Qd Ad]
Seat 1: gigagambler showed [Kd 5d] and won (5655) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 2: jonmac3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: fbtmof05 showed [7d 7h] and lost with a flush, Ace high
Seat 4: SilentNut folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: dipschmit folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: dbleagle folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: josé delgado (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: bishybish3 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: illeatu19 (big blind) folded before Flop

I think that's a sick read on my part, I learnt this move from fishbones11. He did this move tonight in the Full Tilt $1,000+$60 tonight at the final 2 tables. He 2.5x preflop with 55, loose big stack called in the SB and led out on a Qx 6s 8s flop, and Adam shoved and big stacked called with odds and had JsKs, and Adam's 55 was the best hand, but it's still a race at this point, but still a sick play, and his 55 lost when a K hit the turn and river.

I'm just upset with my result obv, cause I made the right play. I keep making the right plays, but losing, that must be a good thing right?

Live poker - meh, I've been once since my last post, I made $34 in 3 hours, yipdee fuckin eeee. Gas money, which is cool, just had no cards so I got up and left with my profit. I'm going tomorrow night, I will crush every single one of those players and write a blog about it. It's 4am, I'm tired sorry for this blog, I needed to vent. Did I make the right play with 77 tonight?

Ugh...............asldhasidgadoasgdasdasjkasdasdhasjhdasdfaskhfbdfas,bfnmas I'm broke online and can't play online anymore, so no more running bad........

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I haven't been playing much online at all, just the odd MTT like every couple of weeks, I've played maybe 3 or 4 in November, I haven't been in the mood at all and I don't have an online bankroll anymore.

Last night I went to Adam's house to hang out for the night and play some NHL 08 and have some drinks. Adam said he was taking the night off poker so we had a long fun night ahead of us. We played maybe 10 games of NHL 08 and I went 2-8, I'm so good. He really runs good at everything, except when I took him twice in 2 heads up matches, which he probably wasn't trying in anyways haha. Anyways, it was like 3:30am, we were watching some Lost and I wasn't tired at all and decided I wanted to play some online tournaments. I had like $8 in my stars account and didn't care if I won or lost it all, I just wanted to play something. There was a $3.30 at 4:00am that perked my interest. There were only 78 entrants by 3:30am and I figured I could dominate all of them.

4:00am rolled around, and the tournament started, 698 entrants, perfect, I won't be up long at all. I actually wanted to see how well I could do, so I tried my best. It always helps when you get AA 3 hands in and make it 5x on the button at 10/20 and someone shoves in the SB for 1500 (starting stack) and you call and double up instantly. That always helps, but of course, I went card dead. First break passed, I still hadn't played a hand. Blinds were now 75/150, i had about 2800.

I would get the HH, but to be honest, I honestly go no hands whatsoever, I just started stealing the blinds like crazy once the antes kicked in, won some big pots here and there with no showdowns. I was hitting some flops and stuff, but it didn't last the whole way. Once the money bubble kicked in, I was able to just add to my stack big time and steal the blinds.

I made it to the FT, it was now 8:00am, and I'm starting to get tired, but didn't let it get to me at the FT. I was 6/9 with roughly 100k in chips and the big stack had 240k. So it was anyones game, but the blinds were really starting to kick in. It was a back and forth game when it was 5 handed and the losing hand that would shove would manage to win and double up and no one would die which sucked cause I was card dead and trying to pick my spots to shove and steal the blinds. It was working fine, since everyone was so tight which sucked cause basically it's up to me to break the silence cause I'm the aggressor at the table. So I was trying to take control, but I had no chips to do it. I finally shoved with As3s from the BB after a big stack SB raise and he called with AJ. The board was 2s 5x 8x 8s, so I had a ton of outs to win or chop, and I bricked out and took 5th place for $107 or so. I was upset with the finish at the time because they were all terrible players and so tight, I just had to push and prey, had I doubled up, I would have been in decent shape to TID and I would have been 2/5, but whatever. I'm happy with the result now looking back on it. Hopefully I can continue playing some MTT's.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

2 Buy-Ins in 5 Minutes

You want to know how I did, well here it is. Enjoy it, but it is fairly long, sorry for that. I guess it's hard to keep these small when talking about a huge session.

So obviously I went back to play again, I can't get away from this place cause the players are just unbelievably bad. I was walking through the poker room and saw the seat where I was gonna go. As I'm walking to my seat, I see a guy with about $800 in front of him (buy in is $100) and he open raised a hand to $25. He got a caller, and he bet every street hard and the caller eventually called down with A high and the maniac flipped over Q 4 off for a pair of 4s. So right away I knew I was in for a treat. This guy was insane, opening ever pot to 20 or 25 and betting no matter what, and the sad part is I can only buy in for $100.

So, basically, I'm going to explain how to lose two buy ins within 5 minutes. I limped with AJ UTG, crazy man made it $25, folded back to me and I shoved, he didn't even think, and called with J 6 off. So sick, he flopped a 6 and he held, this really got me going. Very next hand in my BB, someone made it $12, crazy guy called, one other caller, and I shoved with AhKh. Everyone called. Original raiser had AA, maniac had 5s4s, and the other guy had Q 10 off. Board came out J 9 6 6 8 and Q 10 took the pot down. The crazy guy left which sucked, cause I wanted to double up so many times through him, but it didn't suck because now I could play my game.

There were some awesome hands, and so many stories to tell but it would just take forever to explain, so I guess telling you about the good hands will be fine. At this point, I'm din for $200, and I bought back in for another $100, before this hand, I had gone down to around $70 and I limped UTG with KQ off. Usually I raise or fold with this, but my table is weak and I can pick up small pots without even hitting a hand. EP raised to $12, this guy plays every hand, but usually always limps, so raising for him is a sign of strength. There were 3 callers, and I call for odds, I really don't like my hand, but I don't have many chips so if I see something I like I'm shoving anyways. Flop was Q 7 4 r, I shoved my last $58 or so in, original raiser instantly went all in, other guys folded, and I said "Okay Allan - show me your aces", he said "It ain't aces", I said "Oh okay, just kings then", I showed my KQ, and he showed Q 10 off! WTF was that. I've never seen him raise with that junk, he's usually limping with it, oh well, I held and doubled through.

I sat around $130-$140 for the longest time. I got there around 9:30 and it was 12:30 by now and I hadn't played a hand in forever. My table was 6 handed now, so I was hoping to get out of my card slump and take over. This was a cute hand, I was getting "bored" but also knew if I flopped a monster, I'm getting doubled. UTG limped, UTG+1 made it $10, he raises almost every hand and bluffs almost every pot, he's awful, it's awesome. I called with 8 5 off in the SB knowing the BB and UTG are flatting so I have some odds. The flop was Q 8 5, oops. I bet $30, folded back to the raiser and he shoved for $50 more, I called and he showed 10's. Well played 10's. I held and I was up to around $180ish.

I finally started picking up some pots and making conversation at the table just to feel more comfortable and I hate listening to my ipod while playing. An EP player limped, I made it $12 with QQ on the button, folded back to the limper and he called. He seemed a bit nervous, and I could tell he had a good hand. The flop was Qx 5s 7s. He fired out $20. Once he did this, I gave him credit for a set, or AQ, which in my case is sick cause I'm gonna get all his chips. I made it $50, small raise, but a raise to make a made hand shove if he knows what he's doing, which he doesn't I later found out (he was at my table for maybe 10 minutes). He called $30 more. $130 or so in the pot right now. Turn was a 3x, he checked and I shoved. I really thought for sure he was calling, he just seemed so strong, he thought for a bit, and he folded. He said he had a flush draw with the Q, which I doubt, but if he did have that, then I'm happy the way I played my hand.

Up to about $250 now and looking decent. It's about 2:00am and I am almost ready to leave until I get this sick hand. There were two limpers, I made it $12 with 7h6h, same hand I doubled with last session :). I got one caller and one of the limpers made it $35. I put him on AA or KK and he had about $51 more behind, I know it's a bad call for implied odds, but I really wanted to play this hand, and I knew I could get some more chips from the other player in the hand who has roughly $200 or so. Anyways, I call and so does the other guy. So $105 in the pot. Flop was 10 6 2. The re-raiser bet $25, I called $25 getting insane odds and so did the other guy. Turn was the best turn in the world, another 6. The re-raiser went all in for his last $26 in chips, I called and so did the other guy, so now there is $280 in the main pot. Now there is a dry side pot which sucks, but oh well. River was a blank and I bet $30 into the dry, and the other guy instantly called. I showed my hand and the table went bananas. It sucks cause I think I could have bet $75 on the river and the guy still calls, but it was a dry side pot and I wanted to go to value town. The guy to my left said "Hooollllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy fuckkkkkkkkkkk, you raised to $12 with 7 6!!!!!!!!" I said, "It seems to be working doesn't it?" and he just shrugged his shoulders.

My stack was now up to $500 and change and I was looking good, I limped pre EP with 8s9s, guy who plays alot of hands raised to $10, 2 callers and I called. Flop was AsQs6x, it checked to the raiser and he bet $5 into $40, one caller, and I called. As the dealer was turning the card, I said please be a spade, and it was a 5s and I said, "Yes, spade, I got my flush". I bet out $20 right away to just go along with my "flush". Original raiser thought for a bit and he went all in for $65 total. I called and he asked if I really had the flush, I said I did and he was drawing dead when he showed me A J. He gave me a pat on the shoulder and told me nice hand and went on about his night.

The action was insane early on, but I didn't like it cause I couldn't play poker. But after the maniac left, I seemed to be fine as my results prove it. I made a profit of $244 after being in for $200 right away starting my session. Patience is really a big factor for live poker, I can't believe how much it is, but it paid off. I'll probably be going back sometime soon, but you wanted to know how it went, so I hope you liked it.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Live Cash Game = Success

Sorry, long post. (2 sessions in one)

So after my few live sessions, I went back to Awkwesasne with Adam (fishbones11) and Lacasse. I was going to play 1/2 NL and Adam and Lacasse came to play the 5/10 NL. Of course, we called before we left and they said they were spreading 1/2 up to 5/10. We got to the border and the Customs officer was asking all the usual questions and it seemed like we were going to get let off easy (I have been searched before), and I guess he didn't like the idea of us having almost $10,000 total, we said we had around $8,000 and I guess they didn't believe us. Anyways, he told me to park my car and go inside. So now, I'm just like whatever, I've done this before we won't be hear long, Adam thinks we are going to be like 6 hours and Lacasse is just doing what he always does, making the most hilarious jokes with the Customs officers.

They handed us these small sheets to fill out and the officer inside was pretty cool about everything, he was joking around as well, giving us grades on how well we filled out our sheets and stuff. Anyways they went out and searched my car, and then made us empty out our pockets and made sure we had under $10,000 or we have to declare it which is just a pain in the ass because it's just more sheets to fill out.

Finally, we get to the casino and we're all ready to play. Obviously there is no 5/10 game playing, but there is a waiting list which Adam and Lacasse both sign up for, and then they sat at a 2/5 game while I waited to sit at a 1/2 table.

From my previous sessions, I had done extremely well, but tonight would be different. It was insane how many draws I missed, I mean, ask Adam, I don't know how many open ended/flush draws I could miss in one night, it was sickening. Of course I got it all in on the flop with those draws for $200, $300, and $400 pots and missed completely, so after losing a few buy ins, I just started to play like a maniac while I waited for Adam and Lacasse to finish up. I was shoving blind for a while. I would straddle to $4, and everyone would limp and I would shove knowing no one's calling and if someone does, I am probably not that big of a dog to lose. I was called once by 66, and I showed A 10, and won that race, I think that was the only pot I won all night. My last hand of the night went like this. I am in the BB, of course I didn't look at my cards. There were maybe 4 limpers, and I just shoved blind again. UTG+1 called right away (around $100) and everyone else folded. I said I didn't look and it's the last hand of the night for me so I will show my cards after the board comes out, he said he would do the same. The board came A 8 7 6 2 complete rainbow. He said "I have nothin man, just Jack high." I looked at his cards and he called my blind shove with J 9 off. Haha, good call. So basically I have a good chance of winning this hand until I look at 3 4o. WP. So after that session,

Profit: -$400.

Basically, I can't win every night right? This wasn't a major set back at all, considering I'm still up like $350 or so. And, I played fine up until I missed all my draws then I just went psycho, but I was having fun and didn't care if I lost. I know I am a profitable cash game player and all I can do is just wait until I go next time, they are just so awful, it's awesome.

I went again this past Tuesday night (November 20) with a different friend, who thankfully drove. I have driven so much it's crazy, so it was nice to get a drive from someone. We didn't get searched at the border, which was a bonus, and we got to the casino and were playing by 10:30pm. So a long, good session was in front of me. I was at a pretty sweet table, I knew how everyone played and there were a few donks who made terrible plays but were catching cards. I sat tight for a while, bought in for the max, $100, and won a couple of small pots maybe $20 each. I was hovering around $125 for a while until this hand.

I'll start out by explaining what my table is like.

Seat 1: Me
Seat 2: Middle aged male, plays every hand, raises with AA, KK, QQ.
Seat 3: Ottawa player (I didn't recognize), late 20's, tight. Will raise hands like AJ and KQ etc.
Seat 4: Late 20's, early 30's female, tightest player in the world.
Seat 5: Older male, 60ish, solid, plays suited connectors, not a bad player. (old man #1)
Seat 6: Complete donk, overbets with hands, plays every hand, will pay you off.
Seat 7: Young guy, my age, tight.
Seat 8: Older male, 60ish, loose, but weak. (old man #2)
Seat 9: Young guy, my age, plays like me.
Seat 10: Weak tight younger player, like really weak tight, like really bad. He was asking me if he made the right play every time he made a bet or something, he would say like "was that the right move or, should I have bet more or what."

Anyways, so I finally got a hand, 1010 in the SB, UTG limps, UTG+1 makes it $12, Hijack calls, I call and UTG calls. At this point, UTG has any 2 cards and the hijack has any 2 cards, and the raiser has a solid hand like AK, JJ, or something like that. The flop was Ac 10c 2, exactly what I wanted. I checked assuming the original raiser is going to C-bet but has AK hopefully, UTG checked, UTG+1 checked (now I know he doesn't have an ace, how am I going to make max now). Hijack bets $25, phew, finally, and I didn't think he was trying to buy it, from some tells, I could tell he hit that flop. He had around $60 behind so he wasn't fold if I raised, but now that I think about it, I think I played this hand poorly. My initial plan was to check raise this pot assuming someone hit it or has a flush draw so they can pay for it. I did check raise, and the Hijack only has $60 behind so I could raise to $60, but that only leaves me like $20 behind for the turn, so thats pointless, so I just shoved $104 or something like that. UTg and UTG+1 fold, hijack calls, but looks like he really doesn't want to. He calls and I showed my set, and he had Qc9c, so if I can dodge a club, nice. The turn was a 2 and I hit my boat and took the pot down, I was now around $205.

The bad beat pot was up to $55,000 and the way the hands were going on my table, it seemed like we should have won like 5 bad beat pots. There were 3 quads and 3 straight flushes, unreal, I've never seen anything like it. And each time someone had quads there was a straight flush possibility and every time someone had a straight flush, there was a paired board, so it was close. Would have been nice to get some extra cash.

I dwindled back down to $100 after calling raises pre with some pocket pair and suited connectors and missing, and I raised with AK, AQ, and QQ and lost some small pots, so everything was fine, just waiting for another pay off. The double up earlier with 1010 was an hour into the session so there was still plenty of poker to play.

By now, Seat 6 had left which sucks cause he had like $500 in front and I wanted all of it, but I guess he was smart enough to realize he was hitting everything and left while he was up, so that was too bad. This was a sickening hand, and I can't believe what fell. There was a straddle, and I was the button, 2 limped for $4, I made it $16 to go with 7h6h, I knew the limpers and SB would call so I decided to juice up this pot if I hit it big. And I knew it, the SB and limpers did call my raise so there is $66 in the pot and the flop was 8c 9h 2h, finally, an awesome flop for me, but could be a disaster cause the limpers could have a set or a higher flush draw, but I raised for a reason so I can't fold now since I got the flop I wanted. UTG+1 (old man #1)limper fired out $25, so right away he isn't looking for the check raise, I know he has a monster, Cut off (old man #2) called after much debate and I instantly shoved, SB folded and UTG+1 called right away and I had him covered by like $5. The cut off thought forever and finally folded, face up, 8h 5h, basically a bad hand for me to see, takes away 2 of my outs. UTG+1 had 8d9d for top 2 pair, and I had seven hearts, three 5's, and three 10's in the deck to hit, so 13 outs, 25% of the deck. I hit a black 5 on the turn and he missed his boat on the river and I raked in the pot and he just shook his head in dejection and seemed pretty pissed at me. He mumbled something along the lines of "7 6 eh, god that's awful". I said, "well, if I'm raising with junk like that, come and get all my chips."

That hand brought me up to ~$250 and I had a sweet image to play with. Three other players left, 2 were tight, so it was like they weren't even there anyways, and the guy to my left was stacked. Now the table was 6 handed, and I love 6 handed poker, so I was excited to just run over the table. I wasn't getting any real good hands to play in position with, so I had to fold alot, but I was still able to pick up small pots here and there. It was so easy to out play these guys.

It was about an hour until I played a big hand, (old man #2) limped for $2, I made it $12 in the CO with QQ, folded back to him and he shoved for $55 total, and I called, he had AhQh, he missed and I stacked him again and he reloaded.

A few hands later, I raised to $10 UTG+1 with KcJc, and the Ottawa player to my left shoved for $46 total. It folded back to me and I put him on a low paid and believe it or not, my read was bang on, he had 66. I spiked a J on the flop and held. I was now up to $300 and change and looking good, he reloaded as well. The other 1/2 table broke and filled the spots up on my table and now we had a full table again, but this time the big stack sat right to my left, and he knew what he was doing, he purposely said, who has the biggest stack and sat beside me, he had $1000 in front, which sucked, cause he was playing like a maniac and I couldn't control the table now, but all I have to do is sit and wait. He made a pretty sick call for a big pot.

It folded to the maniac and he made it $12, the BB (another Ottawa player) called. The flop was Q 5 3, Ottawa player bet, maniac bet $25. Ottawa player called (lets call him OT2). Turn was a Q and OT2 fired out $50, and right away I put him on nothing, just his demeanor said he had nothing, just a read. Maniac called $50, so there is now $175 in the pot, and river was a 3 putting 2 pair on board ( Q 5 3 Q 3). OT2 bet $80 and the maniac called after much deliberation, he took like 5 minutes to call and OT2 showed A 10 for ace high and maniac showed 7 5 for Q's and 5's. Pretty good call and he got up and freaked out and was like that's such a sick call, blah blah. He basically did what Kenny Tran did this year at the WSOP ME when Kenny called the river with a flush on board.

After that nothing much happened, the table got short, and I got 4 pocket pairs in a row. 88 lost to A 6, QQ lost to K 10 on a K 10 10 A board, it was checked around on the flop, and I folded a turn bet showing my QQ face up and he showed his K 10. Then I got 33, missed, then 55 and hit a set and won a small pot. Went to the cage at 5:15, profiting $250 for the night and headed home in the wonderful snow storm and morning traffic in Ottawa. Didn't get home until 8, should have been home at 6:45 or so. Oh well, it was a good night. I'll be going again soon, wish me luck...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hail to the Natives

Since my last post, I haven't played much, a bit of online here and there but nothing worth talking about, at least I am still above even. YES!

I recently made 2 trips to Awkesasne to play at the Bingo Palace for some 1/2 NL, which is my favourite game to play; live or online. I prefer live though because I am a much better live player than online, so it really is too bad that I can't play live unless I go across the border because of the local busts. Anyways, I had already written a post about my trip but I left my computer open and didn't save the post and my mom turned off my computer and it took me like an hour to write up, so sorry if it isn't the best post in the world, but I just hate repeating everything, so this will be shorter hopefully.

I'll start off with my first impressions of the place. I have never played live poker at a casino before and from seeing Casino Lac Leamy and getting some advice from some friends, this place was not the place to go if you are looking for an amazing atmosphere, or comforting nice place that is smoke free and very well maintained. It was an old bingo hall, full of smoke and the drinks you order are in white plastic cups, how amazing. But whatever, I wasn't there for the scenery, I was there to win.

I will go through the memorable hands from the nights I went and any other tid bits I think you all would like to know.

Friday Session:

I bought in for $100, it was a $100 max table, I was down to about $60 from limping and missing flops with some small pairs and some suited connectors, wasn't getting the hands in the positions I wanted them to take control of the game. I was dealt AA and raised it up to $15 EP. One caller to my left who was limping every pot and calling the raise if it was raised up, and he had a huge stack. Flop was K 8 6 rainbow, I just shoved right away making it look like a missed AQ or under pair and was ready to buy back in again, but he folded.
Was dealt 33, limped EP, 2 more limpers and SB raised it up to $12, I called as did the other 2 limpers. Flop was J 3 7, it checked around for some odd reason. Turn was a Q, I bet 20, button (solid), made it $45, I called. River was an 8 and put the runner runner flush on board and I checked, he bet $60 and I shoved for $75 total and he insta-folded LOL!

I limped EP with Jc10c, and 2 locals from Ottawa that I recognized also sat down since the other table broke up. There was one more limper behind me and the BB (Ottawa friend) made it $12. I called and so did the guy behind. The flop was Ac 7c 2x, and it checked around. I felt like betting out but from how I had been playing all night I was worried about a check raise and it was more or less risking all my chips which I do not want to do after I have built up a decent stack. Anyways I decided to see a free card, also seeing this free card could disguise my flush a little bit because I had been betting out my draws all night. Turn was 6c, I hit my flush and now it was time to get paid off. BB bet out $25, I flat called and the guy behind folded. River was a blank and BB checked, I bet out $50 making it look like a steal, and he called and mucked his AQ and said he thought I was bluffing.

Flopped a set with JJ for a $15 raise pre 3 handed, didn't get paid off. A J 6 flop. I was OOP and led out the flop, oh well. Someone said they folded A 9 but I don't believe them.

Biggest hand of the night was against this loose older German male who I had been waiting all night for to take a chunk off him. I limped EP, yet again, with 66 and the German made it $18 to go in the SB and the BB called. I right away put him on a big hand and was hoping for my 6 to get paid. The Flop was Q Q 5, and it checked to me, this made me think hard about betting or not. The German is either checking because he has QQ, AQ, AK. The way he was playing he would bet out with AA, KK and even maybe JJ. But I was worried about the BB so I checked. The turn was a sickening 6 and I was just waiting for them to get it in. SB bet out $18, which was 1/3 of the pot, which was small for the game we had been playing and I put him on a AK, then the BB called, so now I knew for sure one of them had the Q and it was probably the BB, so I decided to raise to make it look like I'm stealing the pot since if one of them has a Q they are gonna think that. I made it $50 to go, and the SB instantly went all-in with his beautiful accent, I actually loved it. "OOLLLLLL INNNN". Anyways, BB mucked and I called. SB tabled AQ for trips and I showed my boat. I dodged the 7 outs and stacked up my chips. Roughly a $400 pot.

That was it for that night, I profited ~$350 which I was extremely happy about.

Monday Session:

Looking for some more action, I decided to take a stab at the game again, but was hoping for some action since it was a Monday night, wow I'm such an addict. Going out at 12am to play poker on a school night, oh my gosh, my parents would not approve.

I doubled up right away on a sick hand. I basically wanted to establish a crazy image and buy playing this hand, it seemed to work well for the night.

UTG (kid my age - loose and smashed) made it $7, I called on the button with 8c5c, and the SB (tight, older man with dentures) made it $15, UTG called, and I called. I right away put the SB on a monster, AA or KK and was hoping to hit the perfect flop. The flop was Jc 7c 2x, SB bet $20, UTG called, and I shoved for $65 more, and they both called. I spiked my club on the turn and the river blanked and they checked it down. I showed my flush and the table just went bananas. "8 5, how do you play that hand - wow 8 5.... holy shit" So from that I basically said to myself, yes, now come and get me.

Roughly 5 hands later, I made it $10 on the button with 6 4 off with just the blinds left to act. SB (loose, kid my age) called, and led out the J 4 7 rainbow flop for $12. I called to see what he would do on the turn, I didn't believe him for the J. I put him on a 7 or an open ended draw. The turn was a 6, decent card and he led out again this time for $40, and I shoved, and he called for his remaining $45 or so, and I held against his J 10 off.

No big pots for a while, just raising alot and showing my stupid hands taking down pot after pot uncontested, until I got KK. I raised it up to $15 with KK MP and another tight older man called as did an early limper. The flop was J 6 7 rainbow. Checked to me and I fired out $40, the older man made it $90 to go, and the limper folded. I put him on QQ/AJ and shoved my chips in the middle and he called me right away and luckily he had the only hand that insta calls me for over $200. QQ. The only other 2 hands he snaps me with is AA or JJ. I held up and raked in over a $400 pot. He said "good hand" and went on about his night. My last hand worth telling is a great hand where I made a very sick read and everything just went perfectly except for the pot being awarded to the degenerate who desperately wanted to make some money.

This guy had doubled up a couple times over the last hour and started to play tight since he had some money, roughly $250. He limped EP and I made it $12 with 65, folded back to him and he called. The flop was K 8 4. He checked and I bet $12, he min raised me to $24, and right away I put him on either the biggest hand in the world or nothing. I called to see what he would do on the turn, because if he checks I know he has nothing and I can take the pot away, if he bets, I fold my gut shot and move on. Turn was a J and he checked, so now I know I can steal the pot from him so I decided to check to try and conceal a big hand and get paid on the river, but I don't have a big hand lol. River was a 9 and he checked again, so now I know 100% he has nothing and I can take this pot down. I bet $40, it was about 1/3 of the pot and made it look like a sick value bet. He thought for maybe 5 minutes. He would play with his cards and hold them like he was going to fold and then put them back on the table and cap them. He eventually called me and I said I had 6 high. He said "6 high????!?!??!?!" and I showed it and he showed my 77. GROSSSSSSSS. Very nice call from him though, I guess that's what happens when you raise almost every hand and show bluffs all the time, but in the end playing my style proved to be profitable. The table broke and I told him about the nice call he made and went to the cage and took me $320ish profit.

All in all a very worthy trip, not for the venue, but for the players, they are horrendous, that's why I'm going again this Friday night. Wish me luck.......

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Back At It

It's been too long since my last post. I kept real busy for the last 5 months with work and being with my family. My girlfriend was home from school for the summer, so being able to see her for 3 months was awesome since she's away for most of the year.

So basically I planned on playing poker all summer and grinding out the $0.5/$1 cash games on Eurolinx, but that kind of canned out since I had no time at all to play. I just took the money I had in my BR and saved it for school this fall and kept like $500 on stars to fuck around with when I had some time. Work was just insane this summer. I worked 7 days a week with every third weekend off up until July when I had no days off at all until finally I was able to take 3 days off for Labour Day Weekend and drive up to Maine to see my girlfriend. I basically worked like 45 hours weeks and sometimes 50+ hour weeks depending on what needed to get done at the golf course, but it didn't bother me cause the job I had was awesome.

Anyways, work is basically done now, I work like 25 hours a week, and school is going, and so is poker. I finally got back into poker, and it's kind of sad. I didn't miss it that much during the summer, but once I started playing again it all came back to me except the wins. I am still playing $4.40s and getting monster stacks, but I just keep finishing 10th-18th every fucking time. And last night I went through probably 3348073489237 bad beats in like 2 hours and that was just the most insane bull shit I've ever seen, I still managed to make the money in 1 of them, but fuck it's just pissing me off cause I can't win anything. But in one of my posts earlier about 4.40s, I kept finishing 10th-18th so hopefully this is just the beginning of something amazing. Anyways I have a bunch of tourney's starting right now (deepstacks, 4.40s, and some cash games) so I will up date again later soon this week.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's Been A While

Today I told myself, when I get out of bed, I'm going to finally update my blog, because I have the time. It's been over a month now since my last update, and there are great things going on. Since my last post, I have been extremely busy with school finishing up assignments and studying for my final exams that finished Friday the 20th! I still have managed to play a bit on PokerStars and Eurolinx, and have done quite well. On Eurolinx, I have almost reached my goal for the summer and my goal was to be able to multi table $0.5/$1 with at least $4,000. I am almost up to $2000, and well on my way to being able to play the limit I want to. Even if I don't get the $4,000 I want, I think I will still open up 1 or 2 tables at $0.5/$1.

On Stars, I have been running really well. In the last 8 days, I have managed to final table five $4.40's. I won 2 of them, 4th in 2 others and a 9th place finish. This is a huge accomplishment for me because it took me 2 months to finally win one and now I am consistently winning them. Also, a few weeks ago I played my first live tournament in over a year and I managed to take 2nd place for $260 from a $40 buy in. Aside from the $4.40's, I am also playing $0.10/$0.25 cash games to see what they are like on Stars, and so far I have broken even. I'll be up $100 one night, then lost all my profit the next but I am still playing my best, but I made some stupid bluffs, but also missed some huge draws for 3-way all ins for $75 pots. Just last night I had 5d8d, and made it $1 preflop from MP, SB and BB called and the flop was Ad 6x Jd, there was a ton of action on the flop and then I turned an open-ended straight draw and I missed everything, and they only had top pair, weak kicker. So goes to show there are some pretty weak players that I am playing against, I am just missing my monster draws.

I have also started work recently at a golf course in barrhaven and the hours I have to work are pretty crazy, so that will be keeping me busy for a while. I will be working 6am - at least 3pm, usually it is longer. Yesterday I worked 8am til 7pm. So it's been a ton of work to do, but I guess they want to be able to have the course open sooner than later. I hope I still have the energy to play poker after long days outside. It will suck if I don't because I won't be able to play any poker at all this summer. Turns out I will be working weekends too. Anyways just needed to get an update out there, I know it looks funny right after my good friend fishbones11 did his, but this has been waiting a while and today I told myself I would do it. I told myself I would make updates everyday, but that was back when I was excited to have a blog, but maybe I can still keep it up with the updates now, we'll see.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Super Busy - Doing Well

Hey, I've been pretty busy with school lately, and my girlfriend is back from Maine for her spring break so I have been hanging out with her for the past week. I haven't played too too much, but I will post some results from my most recent games. I have played 3 sessions I guess, one long one, and two short ones. The first one was Thursday March 1. Adam (fishbones11) was down in Turning Stone and he called me to see if I wanted to finish off his $22 NL hold em Heads Up Shoot Out Match tourny. I said, well, I never play heads up, but I guess I can do it, are you sure you want me to? And he said I can get someone else to do it if you don't want to, but I said I would do it. He said he would give me 33% of what he would win. So when he handed everything over to me, he had already played 6 heads up matches. This tournament started with 156 players and we were down to the last 8 players. Which means I would have to play 3 matches if I made it to the final match. Top 8 was guaranteed $109 or something, which is fine, if I lose, so be it, I make a bit of money and Adam said he didn't care how I did and he was busy and had to do some other things. So I started playing, and I was feeling good and got a good read on my opponent and finished him off. After this first match, I had gained alot of confidence and felt I could do very well and possibly win the whole tournament. So now I am in the final four and we are guaranteed $246 or something, which is sweet. Long story short, I made it to the final match, and I won! This was such a confidence booster which I was happy about the most, and first place was awarded $842, so it was a nice payday for me and Adam.

That night, I drove into Ottawa to wait for my girlfriend to get home, she wasn't going to be in until 4:00am, so I had alot of time to play some poker. I joined six $4.40 180 man sit & gos, but they did not go very well, I had huge stacks in all of them and in my final one, I busted with about 50 left for a pot for the chip lead. It was about a 20K pot or so. The blinds were 100/200 with a 25 ante, UTG+1 made it 1000, which is a huge raise, and I flat called behind him with QQ. The flop was K K Q, WOO! I check raised him from 1200 to 3600, and when he shoved, I knew he had AK, and he did. The river brought an A. So I busted in all of the 180's and called it a night.

Ever since then, I have been playing 1-table sit & gos ($5.50) and been doing very well at them. I have played 3 mini sessions since my girlfriend has been home and have managed to do quite well. I will combine all three sessions into one thing

1-table sit & go: Busted | -$5.50
Heads up: Busted | -$5.25
1-table sit & go: 1/9 | +$17.00
1-table sit & go: 1/9 | +$17.00
1-table sit & go: 2/9 | +$8.00
1-table sit & go: 1/9 | +17.00
1-table sit & go: 3/9 | +4.50
1-table sit & go: Busted | -$5.50
1-table sit & go: Busted | -$5.50
1-table sit & go: Busted | -$5.50
1-table sit & go: 1/9 | +$17.00
1-table sit & go: 2/9 | +$8.00

TOTAL PROFIT: + $61.25

I haven't played much, but I think I will be sticking to these from now on since I seem to do so well at them.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Having Some Fun

Over the last few days, I haven't played very much, however I did manage to play some $0.05/$0.10 ring games yesterday afternoon. I played two tables for about half an hour and ended up cashing out 1.5 buy ins, which is good, but obviously not alot of money, but gotta start grinding somewhere. Here is one of my hands that was pretty funny:

So I ended that quick session on a good note.

Yesterday was also my good friend Adam's 21st birthday, so Adam, Krissy, Yves and I all went out for dinner with him and then out to the Golf O Max to play some indoor golf which was really fun. It was my first time and I don't golf very often and let's just say highest score wins? I ended up shooting +51, so 134 or something and they all shot under +25, good for them. We went back to Adam's place and I played one STT. $5.50 buy in, 9 players. I played solid poker for the most part since these are so easy to win, but getting quads three times also helps. I only got action on one of my quads, but still a nice way to get some chips. We finally got to heads up and I had a 3:1 chip lead. I had slightly over 10,000 and he had slighty over 3,000. He limp shoved with Jh10h from the button to my AQ and he spiked a J and doubled up, so we were basically even in chips and it stayed that way for so long. I finally took it down and the heads up alone took just over 40 minutes which is ridiculous, anyways I had some fun and it felt good to win.

So a big Happy Birthday to Adam and good luck to you and Krissy in Turning Stone for the next week!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I finally got my first $4.40 180 man sit & go win! It felt really good to win it, but it didn't feel as good as I thought it would have, but either way, feels really good to finally get that win under my belt. Basically I was able to double up within the first few hands, and then I just sat tight for a while and built a stack up to about 5,000 with the blinds at 50/100. I was five seconds away from leaving to go out to pick up my dad from the hospital but when I was just about to hand over the tournament to someone, I picked up AK. I took someone out, next hand I got JJ, then AA, then KK, then AK again! I went on this HUGE rush and brought my stack up to over 21,000! I asked my mom if I could stay on and she could go get my dad, so she said yeah and I just finished off the tournament myself. It was down to the final 2 tables and I found myself in some trouble. I was dealt 88 back to back and my stack dwindled down to just under 5,000 with blinds at 300/600. I would make the standard raise to 1800 and got called, flop was 9 high, I put the caller all in for 4,000, and he called with KK. And then I made it 1,800 again on a A K J flop and contiuation bet but was check raised and forced to fold. This sucked, but I didn't get angry with myself, there was nothing I could do about those hands and I just had to live with the fact that I had 5,000 and would hopefully double up.

I was dealt JJ and shoved preflop and was called by AQ, I doubled up to 11,000 which felt good, there were only 15 or 16 left and then the best hand in the world happened. I had it saved on my computer, but I'm on a friends laptop and I don't have the hand history, but this was it. I had KK UTG, I made it 1,800, someone made it 4,000, the button shoved for 14,000, and the SB went all in for over 50,000! I was thinking, pleaseeeeeeee be good, and PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKES HOLD! ONE TIME! I called, and was up against the BEST 3 hands I could ask for. AK, AQ and AQ! That is soooo sick, and I obviously help up, but was really cheering for that one A to fall. This brought me up to 45,000. Ten hands later, i called 2,400 with 66, the flop was Q 6 2, big stack lead out 2,000, I flat called. Turn was a Q, beauty, he bet out 3,000, I made it 9,000 and he called. River was a 5, he checked and I shoved my last 27,000 in and he called with AK! WOO! I was up to over 90,000 and went into the FT with 96,000 chips. Had a big stack the whole way and took it down with 44 vs 66 on a 4 2 7 5 9 board. My first win, and earlier that day I had made a FT and took 5th, so it was a great day and I am glad I never left to go pick up my dad.

Ever since that, I have only played about 7 sit & gos and only made 1 FT, but I haven't played much since my win, just been getting alot of homework done and finishing up some assignments for school. I'll be back tomorrow.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A Win, A Small One, But Still A Win

I had a terrible day yesterday in my $4.40 session, nothing was going my way at all. At the beginning of my session, I had 5,000 within the first 15 hands, and then I found my self all in on a 10 high flop with KK vs AA for 10,000 and the chip lead and I didn't catch up. After that hand, everything went downhill, I was tilting, I was on the phone trying to play 5 tables, just not a good way to play and focus on poker. Even when I got off the phone and was down to 2-3 tables and was able to concentrate fully, I still ended up losing everything. I didn't win a single race yesterday, my AQ's would lose to KJ's, my KK was cracked by 44, just nothing going my way at all, so I quit for the night. All in all, a bad night, but whatever, they're bound to happen. DON'T TALK ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHEN YOU ARE TRYING TO PLAY POKER!

Anyways the point of this post was to explain about my first win ever on PokerStars. It wasn't a 180 man sit & go, but it was a 9 man sit & go, which I am still happy about and I can finally get some confidence in a win. It was a crazy table for me, I was up and down the whole time, I'll look for some hands and show how low I was and was able to make the comeback and win it.

PokerStars Game #8582886122: Tournament #43713872, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/02/23 - 12:07:57 (ET)
Table '43713872 1' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 2: math*n*eliza (1485 in chips)
Seat 3: billig (1075 in chips)
Seat 4: OESD (1620 in chips)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (3515 in chips)
Seat 6: btb&m (1880 in chips)
Seat 7: deeman32986 (1135 in chips)
Seat 8: Spoons04 (965 in chips)
Seat 9: LeJeune30 (1825 in chips)
deeman32986: posts small blind 50
Spoons04: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to btb&m [6s Th]
LeJeune30: folds
math*n*eliza: folds
billig: folds
OESD: folds
sixnine0312: folds
btb&m: raises 200 to 300
deeman32986: calls 250
Spoons04: folds
*** FLOP *** [6d Kh Td]
deeman32986: bets 400
btb&m: raises 500 to 900
deeman32986: calls 435 and is all-in
btb&m said, "good lord"
*** TURN *** [6d Kh Td] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [6d Kh Td Ah] [9s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
deeman32986: shows [Qs Js] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
btb&m: shows [6s Th] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
btb&m said, "everytime"
deeman32986 collected 2370 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2370 | Rake 0
Board [6d Kh Td Ah 9s]
Seat 2: math*n*eliza folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: billig folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: OESD folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: btb&m (button) showed [6s Th] and lost with two pair, Tens and Sixes
Seat 7: deeman32986 (small blind) showed [Qs Js] and won (2370) with a straight, Ten to Ace
Seat 8: Spoons04 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 9: LeJeune30 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

This hand brought me down to 745 chips and 8/8, not looking so good.

Seat 2: math*n*eliza (1485 in chips)
Seat 3: billig (1075 in chips)
Seat 4: OESD (1620 in chips)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (3515 in chips)
Seat 6: btb&m (745 in chips)
Seat 7: deeman32986 (2370 in chips)
Seat 8: Spoons04 (865 in chips)
Seat 9: LeJeune30 (1825 in chips)

PokerStars Game #8582938791: Tournament #43713872, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/02/23 - 12:12:17 (ET)
Table '43713872 1' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 2: math*n*eliza (2035 in chips)
Seat 3: billig (925 in chips)
Seat 4: OESD (1470 in chips)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (3115 in chips)
Seat 6: btb&m (745 in chips)
Seat 7: deeman32986 (2170 in chips)
Seat 8: Spoons04 (1015 in chips)
Seat 9: LeJeune30 (2025 in chips)
sixnine0312: posts small blind 50
btb&m: posts big blind 100
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to btb&m [6s 7h]
deeman32986: folds
Spoons04: raises 200 to 300
LeJeune30: folds
math*n*eliza: folds
billig: folds
OESD: folds
sixnine0312: folds
btb&m: raises 445 to 745 and is all-in
Spoons04: calls 445
*** FLOP *** [8d 6h Ad]
*** TURN *** [8d 6h Ad] [2d]
deeman32986 said, "gg"
*** RIVER *** [8d 6h Ad 2d] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
btb&m: shows [6s 7h] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
Spoons04: shows [Ah Ts] (a pair of Aces)
deeman32986 said, "haha"
btb&m collected 1540 from pot
btb&m said, "hehe"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1540 | Rake 0
Board [8d 6h Ad 2d 7c]
Seat 2: math*n*eliza folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: billig folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: OESD (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: btb&m (big blind) showed [6s 7h] and won (1540) with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
Seat 7: deeman32986 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Spoons04 showed [Ah Ts] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: LeJeune30 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

I was able to suck out and double up, whew. After that, I was able to pull of some nice bluffs and build up my stack to 3200 and be the CL and then later on lost a big race for a nice pot.

PokerStars Game #8583162008: Tournament #43713872, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2007/02/23 - 12:30:21 (ET)
Table '43713872 1' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 2: math*n*eliza (3075 in chips)
Seat 3: billig (1450 in chips)
Seat 4: OESD (2070 in chips)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (1640 in chips)
Seat 6: btb&m (3590 in chips)
Seat 9: LeJeune30 (1675 in chips)
sixnine0312: posts small blind 100
btb&m: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to btb&m [3c 3s]
LeJeune30: folds
math*n*eliza: folds
billig: raises 1250 to 1450 and is all-in
OESD: folds
sixnine0312: folds
btb&m: calls 1250
*** FLOP *** [Ts 4h 6s]
*** TURN *** [Ts 4h 6s] [6h]
*** RIVER *** [Ts 4h 6s 6h] [Qd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
btb&m: shows [3c 3s] (two pair, Sixes and Threes)
billig: shows [Ad Qs] (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
btb&m said, "UUUUUUGH"
billig collected 3000 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3000 | Rake 0
Board [Ts 4h 6s 6h Qd]
Seat 2: math*n*eliza folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: billig showed [Ad Qs] and won (3000) with two pair, Queens and Sixes
Seat 4: OESD (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: btb&m (big blind) showed [3c 3s] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Threes
Seat 9: LeJeune30 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

I was pretty upset about that, but it's a race so I can't really complain. I again was down in chips, sort of, but brought it back up to 5800 after a while.

Seat 3: billig (1862 in chips)
Seat 4: OESD (1410 in chips)
Seat 5: sixnine0312 (2795 in chips)
Seat 6: btb&m (5895 in chips)
Seat 9: LeJeune30 (1538 in chips)

My table was so tight, the blinds were huge and there were only 5 people left, this sit & go took forever to finish. I ended up being 3/3 for a few hands, but doubled up and then took someone out to go heads up with an even chip lead and took it down 3 hands into HU. Anyways, I am glad with the win and happy with myself for being able to come back like that to win the tournament. I'll be back.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What Do You Know

Same bullshit as usual. I keep placing 10th-18th in these $4.40 sit & go's. I busted in 15th with 44 vs A 9 for a 20k pot, which would have put me above average. I busted 14th in the other with Q9 vs 44 for a smaller pot, but to stay alive. It seems like I just can't win a fucking race. I know you only notice the races that you lose, but it's just so frustrating to keep finishing just in the money, I want to win these tourney's. I keep saying every time I keep making the right plays but I just end up not winning them. I don't know what to do differently. Played 6 tonight, finished in the money in 2, not good, but not bad. My sharkscope for my new account should look pretty good if I keep this up. I'd post some nice hands from the tournaments but I am too lazy and angry right now, see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When Will I Win?

UGGGHHH, I joined 4 $4.40 sit & go's today after playing ring games earlier in the afternoon. I lost one buy in and quit after about 2 hours of play, just got really annoying and I really wasn't in the mood for playing cash games after this retarded hand. I had $10, the buy in, and this guy had $14. It folds to me on the button and I made it 4x ($0.40) on the button with J 8o and the BB called $0.30 more. The flop came Q 10 9r, perfect, but still need to be careful with a flop that that in case he has the J. He lead out for $0.40 and right there I put him on AQ since he had been playing a solid game, he could have had KQ too which is still okay, only a gutshot. I made it $2.40, I know it's a big raise, but I still know he's calling anyways with AQ or KQ just because the stakes are so low and the players are so bad. He flat calls, and the turn was a 4. He checked, and I bet $4, he flat calls, and the river was a J. This was such a bad card for me to see and it just made me sick, and he shoved all in, and I only had $3 and my pot odds were 4:1 and I knew right away he had KQ and I couldn't fold just cause of the pot odds. Anyways, I called and what do you know he had KQ, just an unlucky hand for me. Anyways, so that went down this afternoon.

I had practice tonight from 5:00pm - 7:00pm and I went to Adam's house for the evening to play some poker and some NFL Madden on PS3. We still haven't played PS3 yet and it's 2:00am. I got to Adam's around 8:00pm and ate my Quiznos, joined 4 $4.40 sit & gos and hoped for the best. The whole time I was on the phone with Dan, a good friend of Adam and I and we were helping him play in his $20 sit & go (180 man) and I was on all 4 of my tables while talking with 4 people on msn. It isn't that hard to do, but wow do you ever lose focus on all your tables and just not pay attention anymore, especially in the tournies you are shortstacked in. So, I busted in 2 of my sit & gos that I was short in, but I managed to builed some good stacks in my other 2. I was at 9,000 in chips and 15,000 in chips in them and in both I was sitting around 9/45 and 6/40. I ended up busting in the tourny I had 9,000 chips with KQ. Here's what happened:

The blinds were 200/400 with a 50 ante. It folded to me on the button and I made it the standard 3xBB raise to 1200 with KQo. The BB flat called and the flop was 8c 5c 2x. He lead out for all his chips about 11,000, and I instantly put him on the flush draw and was willing to race, even if he had the A. I called and I made the best call ever, he had 7c3c, but it sucks cause he has 15 outs. The turn was a 3x, and the river was a Kc :(. Oh well, I am happy I made the right call, it just sucks I busted, but I was in the money so I guess that's a plus.

In the other tourny where I had a nice stack, I ended up being just below average until the FT, which is OK and I knew I could win some pots and take this thing down. I was able to build up my stack and be even with 1st and 2nd in chips and have a nice stack with 7 people left. I was in the BB with Jh7h, and the button made it the standard raise to 2400. I called and the flop was 8d 7d 4d, and I figured I was good and he had overcards. I check raised all in and he called with Ad3d. Good game me, game over on the turn since no J or 7 came. But what really gave me a nice stack early on was this hand:

Well since it won't copy and paste on here, here is the link:

Anyways, it's just frustrating that I keep making a FT but never win one of these, I am due damnit.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Funday Monday

I joined 3 $4.40 sit & go's this morning, while also playing 4 ring games on Eurolinx. I hadn't been on Eurolinx in so long and wanted to make some cash on these tables playing my micro stakes at $0.05/$0.10. I will still be playing the $4.40's, I just wanted to play some ring games. I will post a few hands from the only $4.40 I will really bother posting about. I busted in all 3 of the sit & go's within a half hour which sucks. First tournament I shoved right away first hand with Ad10d and was called by QQ. The second tournament I made it 200 on the button with AsQs with only the blinds left. The BB called and the flop was J 10 Q. He checked, I bet 300 and he put me all in, at this point I probably was beat, but still had a draw, and even if he had 2 pair, I still had outs. He had AK, well played on his part I suppose. Here are the hands from my "better" sit & go.


PokerStars Game #8518106590: Tournament #43394574, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2007/02/19 - 11:21:37 (ET)
Table '43394574 10' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: SnaFu AAA (1500 in chips)
Seat 2: BigDaddyThor (1500 in chips)
Seat 3: cipexp (1500 in chips)
Seat 4: mozita (1500 in chips)
Seat 5: GABBSEY (1500 in chips)
Seat 6: rizzo6211 (1500 in chips)
Seat 7: fulvia (1500 in chips)
Seat 8: Galax99 (1500 in chips)
Seat 9: fbtmof05 (1500 in chips)
BigDaddyThor: posts small blind 10
cipexp: posts big blind 20

Dealt to fbtmof05 AdQs
mozita has timed out
mozita: folds
mozita is sitting out
GABBSEY: folds
rizzo6211: folds
fulvia: calls 20
Galax99: calls 20
fbtmof05: raises 180 to 200
SnaFu AAA: folds
BigDaddyThor: folds
mozita has returned
cipexp: folds
fulvia: calls 180
Galax99: calls 180

Flop (Pot : $630)

fulvia: checks
Galax99: checks
fbtmof05: bets 520
fulvia: folds
Galax99: calls 520

Turn (Pot : $1670)

Galax99: checks
fbtmof05: bets 780 and is all-in
Galax99: calls 780 and is all-in

River (Pot : $3230)


Galax99: shows 2d2h (a pair of Deuces)
fbtmof05: shows AdQs (a pair of Aces)
fbtmof05 collected 3230 from pot

Total pot 3230 | Rake 0
Board 3h4cAhKc7h
Seat 1: SnaFu AAA (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: BigDaddyThor (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: cipexp (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: mozita folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: GABBSEY folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: rizzo6211 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: fulvia folded on the Flop
Seat 8: Galax99 showed 2d2h and lost with a pair of Deuces
Seat 9: fbtmof05 showed AdQs and won (3230) with a pair of Aces

Just my typical play with AQ or AK preflop at these blinds. Doubled up on the first hand of the tournament, good sign of trying to build a stack early.

Ugh, so it turns out, I just copy and pasted the same hand 6 times. I guess I messed up when I tried to copy and paste. Basically, I went back down to 1500 on the second hand of the tourny with AQ again haha. I got it all in on a flop of 8 9 Ar with AQ vs AK, he limped and flat called my raise preflop. I doubled up again with 4c5c. The blinds were 15/30, CO made it 120 total, I called. The flop was 4 3 6r, I checked, CO bet out 200, I made it 600, he shoved (he had me covered), and I called feeling I was beat, but I am ahead if he has an overpair, which he did. He had KK, and the turn was a nice brick Q, and the river was a nice 2. I had 13 outs though, so it would have sucked to miss. I busted with AQ vs AK, all in on the flop of 6c 5c Ax, he had AcKc, gg me.

I am currently still playing my cash games and up almost 1 buy in on 3 of my tables, and up half a buy in on the other, so I am looking good. After another hour or two, I am gonna stop playing for the day, I had a 3 hour sleep and am going to take a nap before my volleyball game tonight.

Haha, just as I type this, I went from $18 to $29 on one of my tables in 2 hands against the same player. I limp called $0.60 preflop with 55, 3 handed. The flop was 5d 6h As. SB checked, I checked, UTG raiser bet out $0.95, SB called, I called. Turn was a Qd, SB checked, I checked, the raiser bet out $2.50, SB folded, I smooth called, hoping he has AK or AQ. River was a 7, it went check check and he mucked. Two hands later I checked my BB with A7o, the flop was 10 7 5, I checked, he bet $0.20, I called, turn 7, I checked, he bet $0.60, I made it $2.40, he pushed all in for like $0.20 more to me. He had 10 8. I'll be back later.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Reading Week

I just got back from Toronto where I had a volleyball tournament all weekend. Back to poker, I have the whole week off and I plan on playing as much poker as I can during this week. It sucks, I have the week off for school, but I still have to drive in to Ottawa for volleyball practices, so lame. Anyways, I'll be updating almost everyday so stay tuned.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Played 4 $4.40 sit & go's so far today. Managed to build a nice stack within the first 2 blind levels. On each table, I was up to at least 4,000 to 5,500 chips. I played solid and lost each tournament. QQ vs AK, didn't bother to save the hand history, didn't really care because I had some nice stacks on my other tables. I got blinded down to about 3,500 when the average stack was 5,600 in another tourny. The blinds were 100/200 with a 25 ante, i made it 600 with Ac6c in late position, the SB called. Flop was J 10c 7c, he checked, I bet 1,000, into 1,500, he put me all in, and I called with my remaining 1,400 and he had 9d10d, well played I guess on his part. I missed, gg. And I just donked off my last 2,000 chips in my last $4.40 of the session with 6c4c vs QQ, haha. Anyways, what really sucked was this hand in my 4th $4.40.

PokerStars Game #8454235540: Tournament #43078858, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/02/15 - 13:57:24 (ET)
Table '43078858 14' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: thugg111 (5600 in chips)
Seat 2: fbtmof05 (5505 in chips)
Seat 3: 52525 (4145 in chips)
Seat 4: sashapad (3115 in chips)
Seat 5: snakerfly (5095 in chips)
Seat 6: CrazyJack02 (1555 in chips)
Seat 7: SCHLUCHTI007 (6595 in chips)
Seat 8: Longbons (3450 in chips)
Seat 9: edw_fje (1388 in chips)
fbtmof05: posts small blind 50
52525: posts big blind 100

Dealt to fbtmof05 QhAc
sashapad: folds
snakerfly: calls 100
CrazyJack02: folds
SCHLUCHTI007: calls 100
Longbons: raises 300 to 400
edw_fje: folds
thugg111: folds
fbtmof05: calls 350
52525: folds
snakerfly: calls 300
SCHLUCHTI007: calls 300

Flop (Pot : $1700)

fbtmof05: bets 5105 and is all-in
snakerfly: calls 4695 and is all-in
SCHLUCHTI007: folds
Longbons: folds
fbtmof05 said, "fckkkk"

Turn (Pot : $11910)


River (Pot : $11910)


fbtmof05: shows QhAc (three of a kind, Queens)
snakerfly: shows KsJs (a straight, Nine to King)
fbtmof05 said, "jesus christ"
snakerfly collected 11090 from pot
fbtmof05 said, "well played"

Total pot 11090 | Rake 0
Board 4dQcThQs9s
Seat 1: thugg111 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: fbtmof05 (small blind) showed QhAc and lost with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 3: 52525 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: sashapad folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: snakerfly showed KsJs and won (11090) with a straight, Nine to King
Seat 6: CrazyJack02 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: SCHLUCHTI007 folded on the Flop
Seat 8: Longbons folded on the Flop
Seat 9: edw_fje folded before Flop (didn't bet)

I don't think I overbet the pot too much on the flop here, but he had a good read and decided to call his 5,000 with his draw, and the turn gave him less outs, well played by him.

Anyways, I'll be starting another session later. Since I still live at home with my parents, they are making me clean up my room... and help cut up veggies for dinner. Be back later.