Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When Will I Win?

UGGGHHH, I joined 4 $4.40 sit & go's today after playing ring games earlier in the afternoon. I lost one buy in and quit after about 2 hours of play, just got really annoying and I really wasn't in the mood for playing cash games after this retarded hand. I had $10, the buy in, and this guy had $14. It folds to me on the button and I made it 4x ($0.40) on the button with J 8o and the BB called $0.30 more. The flop came Q 10 9r, perfect, but still need to be careful with a flop that that in case he has the J. He lead out for $0.40 and right there I put him on AQ since he had been playing a solid game, he could have had KQ too which is still okay, only a gutshot. I made it $2.40, I know it's a big raise, but I still know he's calling anyways with AQ or KQ just because the stakes are so low and the players are so bad. He flat calls, and the turn was a 4. He checked, and I bet $4, he flat calls, and the river was a J. This was such a bad card for me to see and it just made me sick, and he shoved all in, and I only had $3 and my pot odds were 4:1 and I knew right away he had KQ and I couldn't fold just cause of the pot odds. Anyways, I called and what do you know he had KQ, just an unlucky hand for me. Anyways, so that went down this afternoon.

I had practice tonight from 5:00pm - 7:00pm and I went to Adam's house for the evening to play some poker and some NFL Madden on PS3. We still haven't played PS3 yet and it's 2:00am. I got to Adam's around 8:00pm and ate my Quiznos, joined 4 $4.40 sit & gos and hoped for the best. The whole time I was on the phone with Dan, a good friend of Adam and I and we were helping him play in his $20 sit & go (180 man) and I was on all 4 of my tables while talking with 4 people on msn. It isn't that hard to do, but wow do you ever lose focus on all your tables and just not pay attention anymore, especially in the tournies you are shortstacked in. So, I busted in 2 of my sit & gos that I was short in, but I managed to builed some good stacks in my other 2. I was at 9,000 in chips and 15,000 in chips in them and in both I was sitting around 9/45 and 6/40. I ended up busting in the tourny I had 9,000 chips with KQ. Here's what happened:

The blinds were 200/400 with a 50 ante. It folded to me on the button and I made it the standard 3xBB raise to 1200 with KQo. The BB flat called and the flop was 8c 5c 2x. He lead out for all his chips about 11,000, and I instantly put him on the flush draw and was willing to race, even if he had the A. I called and I made the best call ever, he had 7c3c, but it sucks cause he has 15 outs. The turn was a 3x, and the river was a Kc :(. Oh well, I am happy I made the right call, it just sucks I busted, but I was in the money so I guess that's a plus.

In the other tourny where I had a nice stack, I ended up being just below average until the FT, which is OK and I knew I could win some pots and take this thing down. I was able to build up my stack and be even with 1st and 2nd in chips and have a nice stack with 7 people left. I was in the BB with Jh7h, and the button made it the standard raise to 2400. I called and the flop was 8d 7d 4d, and I figured I was good and he had overcards. I check raised all in and he called with Ad3d. Good game me, game over on the turn since no J or 7 came. But what really gave me a nice stack early on was this hand:

Well since it won't copy and paste on here, here is the link: http://www.liquidpoker.net/h/148811

Anyways, it's just frustrating that I keep making a FT but never win one of these, I am due damnit.

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