Thursday, February 15, 2007


Played 4 $4.40 sit & go's so far today. Managed to build a nice stack within the first 2 blind levels. On each table, I was up to at least 4,000 to 5,500 chips. I played solid and lost each tournament. QQ vs AK, didn't bother to save the hand history, didn't really care because I had some nice stacks on my other tables. I got blinded down to about 3,500 when the average stack was 5,600 in another tourny. The blinds were 100/200 with a 25 ante, i made it 600 with Ac6c in late position, the SB called. Flop was J 10c 7c, he checked, I bet 1,000, into 1,500, he put me all in, and I called with my remaining 1,400 and he had 9d10d, well played I guess on his part. I missed, gg. And I just donked off my last 2,000 chips in my last $4.40 of the session with 6c4c vs QQ, haha. Anyways, what really sucked was this hand in my 4th $4.40.

PokerStars Game #8454235540: Tournament #43078858, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/02/15 - 13:57:24 (ET)
Table '43078858 14' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: thugg111 (5600 in chips)
Seat 2: fbtmof05 (5505 in chips)
Seat 3: 52525 (4145 in chips)
Seat 4: sashapad (3115 in chips)
Seat 5: snakerfly (5095 in chips)
Seat 6: CrazyJack02 (1555 in chips)
Seat 7: SCHLUCHTI007 (6595 in chips)
Seat 8: Longbons (3450 in chips)
Seat 9: edw_fje (1388 in chips)
fbtmof05: posts small blind 50
52525: posts big blind 100

Dealt to fbtmof05 QhAc
sashapad: folds
snakerfly: calls 100
CrazyJack02: folds
SCHLUCHTI007: calls 100
Longbons: raises 300 to 400
edw_fje: folds
thugg111: folds
fbtmof05: calls 350
52525: folds
snakerfly: calls 300
SCHLUCHTI007: calls 300

Flop (Pot : $1700)

fbtmof05: bets 5105 and is all-in
snakerfly: calls 4695 and is all-in
SCHLUCHTI007: folds
Longbons: folds
fbtmof05 said, "fckkkk"

Turn (Pot : $11910)


River (Pot : $11910)


fbtmof05: shows QhAc (three of a kind, Queens)
snakerfly: shows KsJs (a straight, Nine to King)
fbtmof05 said, "jesus christ"
snakerfly collected 11090 from pot
fbtmof05 said, "well played"

Total pot 11090 | Rake 0
Board 4dQcThQs9s
Seat 1: thugg111 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: fbtmof05 (small blind) showed QhAc and lost with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 3: 52525 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: sashapad folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: snakerfly showed KsJs and won (11090) with a straight, Nine to King
Seat 6: CrazyJack02 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: SCHLUCHTI007 folded on the Flop
Seat 8: Longbons folded on the Flop
Seat 9: edw_fje folded before Flop (didn't bet)

I don't think I overbet the pot too much on the flop here, but he had a good read and decided to call his 5,000 with his draw, and the turn gave him less outs, well played by him.

Anyways, I'll be starting another session later. Since I still live at home with my parents, they are making me clean up my room... and help cut up veggies for dinner. Be back later.

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