Sunday, February 25, 2007


I finally got my first $4.40 180 man sit & go win! It felt really good to win it, but it didn't feel as good as I thought it would have, but either way, feels really good to finally get that win under my belt. Basically I was able to double up within the first few hands, and then I just sat tight for a while and built a stack up to about 5,000 with the blinds at 50/100. I was five seconds away from leaving to go out to pick up my dad from the hospital but when I was just about to hand over the tournament to someone, I picked up AK. I took someone out, next hand I got JJ, then AA, then KK, then AK again! I went on this HUGE rush and brought my stack up to over 21,000! I asked my mom if I could stay on and she could go get my dad, so she said yeah and I just finished off the tournament myself. It was down to the final 2 tables and I found myself in some trouble. I was dealt 88 back to back and my stack dwindled down to just under 5,000 with blinds at 300/600. I would make the standard raise to 1800 and got called, flop was 9 high, I put the caller all in for 4,000, and he called with KK. And then I made it 1,800 again on a A K J flop and contiuation bet but was check raised and forced to fold. This sucked, but I didn't get angry with myself, there was nothing I could do about those hands and I just had to live with the fact that I had 5,000 and would hopefully double up.

I was dealt JJ and shoved preflop and was called by AQ, I doubled up to 11,000 which felt good, there were only 15 or 16 left and then the best hand in the world happened. I had it saved on my computer, but I'm on a friends laptop and I don't have the hand history, but this was it. I had KK UTG, I made it 1,800, someone made it 4,000, the button shoved for 14,000, and the SB went all in for over 50,000! I was thinking, pleaseeeeeeee be good, and PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKES HOLD! ONE TIME! I called, and was up against the BEST 3 hands I could ask for. AK, AQ and AQ! That is soooo sick, and I obviously help up, but was really cheering for that one A to fall. This brought me up to 45,000. Ten hands later, i called 2,400 with 66, the flop was Q 6 2, big stack lead out 2,000, I flat called. Turn was a Q, beauty, he bet out 3,000, I made it 9,000 and he called. River was a 5, he checked and I shoved my last 27,000 in and he called with AK! WOO! I was up to over 90,000 and went into the FT with 96,000 chips. Had a big stack the whole way and took it down with 44 vs 66 on a 4 2 7 5 9 board. My first win, and earlier that day I had made a FT and took 5th, so it was a great day and I am glad I never left to go pick up my dad.

Ever since that, I have only played about 7 sit & gos and only made 1 FT, but I haven't played much since my win, just been getting alot of homework done and finishing up some assignments for school. I'll be back tomorrow.

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