Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Good god, could we get enough snow? I got up today and shoveled the driveway around 10:00am, only about 8cm-10cm of snow. My dad got home from work around 5:30pm, obviously there was a foot of snow covering my driveway again. Good news, we have a snowblower. Bad news, something is wrong with the carborator. It's funny, every winter we end up bringing it to the mechanics to get fixed up and spend at least $200 on it each winter and only use it twice a year. What a waste of money, so why not sell the piece of crap and just shovel the driveway yourself. The exercise isn't bad anyways, so why the hell not. Funny thing is, my driveway is probably 60 meters long by 10 meters wide. That's a long fucking driveway. Do the math, that's 600 cubic feet of snow to shovel. Assuming you shovel 1 meter of snow at a time, at approximately 11 kilograms of snow per meter, thats an astonishing 6,600 kilograms of snow, or better yet, 14,520 pounds of snow! It doesn't seem like that much, but holy shit, that's alot of snow. I hope I made the right calculations, I'm in Engineering so it should be right. Right? Anyways, so the good news is that I got it done, came in for a nice spaghetti dinner with my family. And best of all, my Mom bought me a pair of boxers with hearts all over them for Valentine's Day, how nice of her. I got her nothing, but isn't that my Dad's job? He got her nothing either, haha, now what is he gonna do? That's all for now, but stay tuned for a funny post about how strict my parents are and how frustrating it is for me.

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