Saturday, November 24, 2007

2 Buy-Ins in 5 Minutes

You want to know how I did, well here it is. Enjoy it, but it is fairly long, sorry for that. I guess it's hard to keep these small when talking about a huge session.

So obviously I went back to play again, I can't get away from this place cause the players are just unbelievably bad. I was walking through the poker room and saw the seat where I was gonna go. As I'm walking to my seat, I see a guy with about $800 in front of him (buy in is $100) and he open raised a hand to $25. He got a caller, and he bet every street hard and the caller eventually called down with A high and the maniac flipped over Q 4 off for a pair of 4s. So right away I knew I was in for a treat. This guy was insane, opening ever pot to 20 or 25 and betting no matter what, and the sad part is I can only buy in for $100.

So, basically, I'm going to explain how to lose two buy ins within 5 minutes. I limped with AJ UTG, crazy man made it $25, folded back to me and I shoved, he didn't even think, and called with J 6 off. So sick, he flopped a 6 and he held, this really got me going. Very next hand in my BB, someone made it $12, crazy guy called, one other caller, and I shoved with AhKh. Everyone called. Original raiser had AA, maniac had 5s4s, and the other guy had Q 10 off. Board came out J 9 6 6 8 and Q 10 took the pot down. The crazy guy left which sucked, cause I wanted to double up so many times through him, but it didn't suck because now I could play my game.

There were some awesome hands, and so many stories to tell but it would just take forever to explain, so I guess telling you about the good hands will be fine. At this point, I'm din for $200, and I bought back in for another $100, before this hand, I had gone down to around $70 and I limped UTG with KQ off. Usually I raise or fold with this, but my table is weak and I can pick up small pots without even hitting a hand. EP raised to $12, this guy plays every hand, but usually always limps, so raising for him is a sign of strength. There were 3 callers, and I call for odds, I really don't like my hand, but I don't have many chips so if I see something I like I'm shoving anyways. Flop was Q 7 4 r, I shoved my last $58 or so in, original raiser instantly went all in, other guys folded, and I said "Okay Allan - show me your aces", he said "It ain't aces", I said "Oh okay, just kings then", I showed my KQ, and he showed Q 10 off! WTF was that. I've never seen him raise with that junk, he's usually limping with it, oh well, I held and doubled through.

I sat around $130-$140 for the longest time. I got there around 9:30 and it was 12:30 by now and I hadn't played a hand in forever. My table was 6 handed now, so I was hoping to get out of my card slump and take over. This was a cute hand, I was getting "bored" but also knew if I flopped a monster, I'm getting doubled. UTG limped, UTG+1 made it $10, he raises almost every hand and bluffs almost every pot, he's awful, it's awesome. I called with 8 5 off in the SB knowing the BB and UTG are flatting so I have some odds. The flop was Q 8 5, oops. I bet $30, folded back to the raiser and he shoved for $50 more, I called and he showed 10's. Well played 10's. I held and I was up to around $180ish.

I finally started picking up some pots and making conversation at the table just to feel more comfortable and I hate listening to my ipod while playing. An EP player limped, I made it $12 with QQ on the button, folded back to the limper and he called. He seemed a bit nervous, and I could tell he had a good hand. The flop was Qx 5s 7s. He fired out $20. Once he did this, I gave him credit for a set, or AQ, which in my case is sick cause I'm gonna get all his chips. I made it $50, small raise, but a raise to make a made hand shove if he knows what he's doing, which he doesn't I later found out (he was at my table for maybe 10 minutes). He called $30 more. $130 or so in the pot right now. Turn was a 3x, he checked and I shoved. I really thought for sure he was calling, he just seemed so strong, he thought for a bit, and he folded. He said he had a flush draw with the Q, which I doubt, but if he did have that, then I'm happy the way I played my hand.

Up to about $250 now and looking decent. It's about 2:00am and I am almost ready to leave until I get this sick hand. There were two limpers, I made it $12 with 7h6h, same hand I doubled with last session :). I got one caller and one of the limpers made it $35. I put him on AA or KK and he had about $51 more behind, I know it's a bad call for implied odds, but I really wanted to play this hand, and I knew I could get some more chips from the other player in the hand who has roughly $200 or so. Anyways, I call and so does the other guy. So $105 in the pot. Flop was 10 6 2. The re-raiser bet $25, I called $25 getting insane odds and so did the other guy. Turn was the best turn in the world, another 6. The re-raiser went all in for his last $26 in chips, I called and so did the other guy, so now there is $280 in the main pot. Now there is a dry side pot which sucks, but oh well. River was a blank and I bet $30 into the dry, and the other guy instantly called. I showed my hand and the table went bananas. It sucks cause I think I could have bet $75 on the river and the guy still calls, but it was a dry side pot and I wanted to go to value town. The guy to my left said "Hooollllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy fuckkkkkkkkkkk, you raised to $12 with 7 6!!!!!!!!" I said, "It seems to be working doesn't it?" and he just shrugged his shoulders.

My stack was now up to $500 and change and I was looking good, I limped pre EP with 8s9s, guy who plays alot of hands raised to $10, 2 callers and I called. Flop was AsQs6x, it checked to the raiser and he bet $5 into $40, one caller, and I called. As the dealer was turning the card, I said please be a spade, and it was a 5s and I said, "Yes, spade, I got my flush". I bet out $20 right away to just go along with my "flush". Original raiser thought for a bit and he went all in for $65 total. I called and he asked if I really had the flush, I said I did and he was drawing dead when he showed me A J. He gave me a pat on the shoulder and told me nice hand and went on about his night.

The action was insane early on, but I didn't like it cause I couldn't play poker. But after the maniac left, I seemed to be fine as my results prove it. I made a profit of $244 after being in for $200 right away starting my session. Patience is really a big factor for live poker, I can't believe how much it is, but it paid off. I'll probably be going back sometime soon, but you wanted to know how it went, so I hope you liked it.

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