Sunday, December 23, 2007

1-2 Live Cash Update

Haven't played live since my last update, just a little bit of online PLO. So far at PLO, I am up I think 8 buy ins now. So I am steadily building my PLO bankroll. As for live, I went last night to Awkwesasne to play some 1-2.

I love playing there, the action is good and the players are awful. I will go through my session, feedback is welcome.

Bought in for the max - $100. I was at the table with 2 of my friends and there were 3 older people and that's it. I didn't really feel like playing yet because my opponents (non friends) had less than $50 each, but a couple other players sat down and I was fine with that. I was playing tight early on, just wanted to get a feel for how my opponents were playing and from my perspective this is the image I had on my opponents.

Seat 1 - Me.
Seat 2 - Player my age, solid, knows what he is doing.
Seat 3 - Middle aged male, limps alot of pots, but raises preflop with the goods, doesn't bluff.
Seat 4 - My friend
Seat 5 - My friend
Seat 6 - Older female, calling station.
Seat 7 - Weak tight middle aged male.
Seat 8 - Older female, weak tight.
Seat 9 - Middle aged male, LAG, knows what he is doing.
Seat 10 - Husband to Seat 6, calling station.

Hand 1:

My stack - $100

Seat 6 limps, seat 10 completes his SB, I check my BB with AJo. Flop is A K 6, I fire out $7, they both call. At this point, I feel I have the best hand, they would raise me here with a better hand from my read on them, they are stations so I want to get max. Pot = $27, Turn is 3x, I bet $15, Seat 6 folds, but her husband calls. I put him on a weak ace, but if he had 2 pair, again, I'm pretty sure he would raise me, so I still think I am ahead. Pot = $57, River is a 4, I bet $10 and he calls with K 7. Sure I went to value town, and I bet very small, but I don't think he was calling anymore, maybe $15, but oh well, I got max I think. This hand was a few hands in, and I never dipped below my starting stack, this was the beginning of my amazing session.

Hand 2:

My stack - $120~

Seat 6, 7, 8, 10 limp. I have 6h3h, normally in my position (the CO) I would put in a raise, but with this many limpers, knowing they will all call me preflop when I raise to $15, so I decide to limp and see a cheap flop. Button calls, SB (seat 3) makes it $12 total, seat 7 calls, I call with odds and if I flop a monster I get paid for sure, button calls. I put SB on KK or AA for sure he definately has a monster. Pot = $52. Flop is 2x 4s 5s. SB bets out $40, seat 7 folds. Basically, by putting the SB on KK or AA, I raise here no matter what and he will call, if I flat call, it might look suspicious, also if a spade hits the turn, he will slow down. So I play with my chips, and I go all in. It was $132 total, so $92 for him to call. The button goes all in for his last $38, so there is $4 in the side pot. It looks like the SB is having a tough time making this decision and my friend asked me what I have, and I said I have an overpair, 10s I am probably ahead here. The SB calls me with QQ. I think if I didn't say I had 10 10, he was going to fold. So there is now $166 in the main pot, and $188 in the side pot, I am all in, the SB has me covered.

Flop: 2x 4s 5s

My hand: 3h6h, button: A 3, SB: QxQs

Turn: 7s (The PokerStars turn)

River: 8x

Ship it. My stack was now $354 and growing strong.

Hand 3:

My stack - $320~

Two limpers, I make it $12 in the CO with 3d4d, SB calls, and so do both limpers. The flop was Qd 10x 5d. SB (seat 3) leads out $25, seat 7 limper calls (I put him on open ended), other limper (seat 10) calls, I figure he has a weak pair, he's such a station. I could raises here to represent AA or KK, but I think SB might have a strong hand and I would rather see my diamond for cheap. I put SB on AQ at this point. I guess if I put him on that, I could raise to represent my hand, but I think he still calls me and I would rather hit a cheap turn. So I call. Pot = $150. Turn is a 4c. Now I have more outs, any 3, 4 or diamond. SB leads out again for $80 this time. Seat 7 says well, I must go home now and shoves his last like $45 or something in the pot, I called the $80 assuming I have 14 outs. Pot = $310~, River is a 3. I have 2 pair now, this hand just got interesting. SB checks. Now, he was either bluffing with AdKd, and missed his draw, is trying to get me to bet into him, or has AQ/KQ and is scared of me. I decide to check, there is $310 in the pot, I didn't hit my flush, the pots big enough and the SB shows Q 10 for top 2, I saw his hand and nearly puked, I thought I won the hand for sure when he checked, and the all in showed KJ. I said, thank you so much for checking, because I don't think I was going anywhere, maybe if he shoved, I could get away from it, but he said, I wanted you to bet. Hand done, and my stack is just over $200 now.

Hand 4:

My stack - $210~

Some newer players at the table, I won't go into crazy detail, I'll just explain the hand and what kind of player they are throughout the hand. Loose, terrible player limps UTG. Seat 9 (LAG - good player) limps as well, I make it $12 with 1010, folds back to the limpers who both call. Flop is 10d 9d 8s, UTG leads for $12, other guy calls. UTG has about $70 behind, seat 9 has about $75 behind. Either I make it $50, which is what I would do if the stacks were deeper, but it would only leave both of them with like $25 behind, so I just shoved my stack in. UTG folded and seat 9 called instantly, I was praying he didn't have 7 6 or Q J because he definately could have in this spot, I also didn't want to see a flush draw, but whatever. I showed my 10s and he said good hand and showed 10s9s. Again the turn gives him a flush draw, river blanks out, and I take it down. Pot = $211~

Hand 5:

My stack - $315~

UTG limps, another limper, I make it $12 with QQ in the CO. Button calls, both limpers call. Flop was 10 9 8. Checked to me, I bet $20, button folded, UTG shoved for $56 total, folds back to me. This guy is weak tight, he could have a set and even the straight here, which I was obviously worried about, but I had to call $36 into a pot of $88. I was getting almost 2.5 : 1 and I could hit a J to win. He shows K 10 and I take the pot down.

That was my last decent pot of the night. A drunk donk came and was going all in blind and I was hoping to catch a hand but didn't. I ended the night and left around 1:00am, after playing since 9:00pm. I cashed out $495 total for $395 profit. Another good night at the live games. It would have been so sick if I caught that diamond when I had 34, would have been like another $300 richer :P.

Oh well, got some money to keep building my roll to get to the $2/$5 game, and I also got enough money to pay off the speeding ticket I got 3 days ago. That was not nice. 136 kph in a 100 kph zone on the 416, I have never had a ticket and he didn't give me a break at all, I figured he would bring it down to maybe 125 kph, but nope. $271 ticket later, I was furious.

Happy holidays.

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