Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to Cash Games

I had a good Christmas break and didn't play much poker. Since my last post, I have no longer been driving across the border to Awkwesasne because of the poker room at Lac Leamy finally opening.

I must say, at first, I was not inclined to going to play. I wasn’t motivated at all with the idea of electronic tables, but alas, after a few drinks on a Sunday night with Adam, I go. I was amazed at this place. The atmosphere is awesome, I enjoyed the electronic tables, and the players are awful.

I have played around 45 hours so far, and have made a steady profit of around $2200. I won’t recap all of my sessions, since it would be way too long, and I can’t remember many hands, but I will see if I can remember a few good ones.

I am sitting with $240, folds to me in LP, I make it $12 with QQ, loose button calls, and weird SB calls. Flop is 3 3 3 , SB checks, I bet $30, folds to SB and he calls. Turn is a 5, he checks again, I bet $70, and he calls. At this point, I figure he has a small overpair, any bigger pair and I’m sure he would raise me. River is a 7 and he checks again, I shove for my last $120 or so and he thinks for a minute and says “Well, I think you got me, I call”. He shows A 8 off. Thank you.

I have $300, loose guy makes it $10 in LP, guy I have no read on calls, I call in the SB with JJ. Flop is 2 2 5, I lead for $30, raiser folds, guy raise to $75, leaving himself $40 behind or so. I shove and he calls with K 2. I spike a J on the riv-bomb and rake in the pot. Standard cold call with K 2 pre right?

I have $215, and limp UTG with KK at a crazy table. MP makes it $25, and there is a caller, LOOOOOOOOL, I pop it up to $75 and they both fold. I hadn’t played a hand in like 2 hours. At the same table, I hadn’t played a hand in another 2 hours and limp again UTG with 10c9c hoping to see a cheap flop, 4 others limp, loose donk in the BB makes it 12, I call, so does everyone else. Flop is 5c 7x 3c, BB bets $25, I make it $75, folds back to him and he folds and shows Q 7 saying you I’m the tightest player in the world.

I have $400, tight MP makes it $8, tight solid player makes it $25, and I’m in the SB dreaming that I get AA. What do you know, I have AA, usually at the casino, the 3rd raise means AA, which sucks cause I really want to raise, but will most likely take the pot down right there, or hopefully he can’t fold his KK. I don’t want to flat and let the original raiser in and get sucked out on, rather isolate and get heads up. So I make it $80 and he snap calls. He has $220 behind on the flop. Flop is 9 6 3, I bet $100 into $170, he says “that’s a big bet”. I tell him “I have 2 hands, well actually only 1. Aces.” He says, “Okay, I’m all in”. No way in hell he re popped to $25 and snap calls $80 with 99 66 or 33. I call and he has QQ, I expected KK or even AA. Anyways, $600 pot, weeeeeeeee.

I limp with my favourite hand 8c5c, 4 more limps, button makes it $12, BB calls, I call knowing everyone else is calling. Flop is 6x 7c 9c. I check, someone shoves for $25, button calls, I shove for $178 total. Button says, you got like a set of 7’s or something, I call. $25 donk has 10 6, no 8 please. Button has AcKc, no club please. I hold, $400 pot.

All in all, I love this place, I go there everday during the day, make some money, and go home. I love it. I will try to update from each session from now on, hopefully I can keep up. I’ll be back…

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