Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Someone Send Me A Heater

I have never seen anything like this. No it's not crazy bad beats, but WOW.

I played for 3.5 hours. Played like 4 hands.

Hand #1:

EP makes it $7, 2 callers, I call on the button with 3 5 off, blinds complete, $42 in the pot.

Flop is 2x 6x 8c
Checks around.
Turn is 2x 6x 8c 3c
EP raiser bets $12, gets one caller. At this point, I for sure think EP is weak, and the caller is on a draw or an underpair, so I bump it up to $40, they both call.
River is 2x 6x 8c 3c 9x
They check to me, I now believe they are weak and can't call a bet here and I am not giving up on this pot. I fire out $100 leaving myself $50, and the pot was $160 before my bet, and they both folded.

Gave me some confidence for the rest of my day which obviously went well.

hand $2:

I make it $1o EP with AA. Button (weird) calls, BB (loose) calls.
Flop is 6h 7x 10h.
BB checks, I bet $25, button folds, BB makes it $50. To me, this seems like a flush draw, I have just seen it way too many times where people min raise with a flush draw. Obviously if I put him on that, why didn't I raise? No clue. I flat called. Turn was a Qx, he bets $50, I call... Again why am I not trying to take control of this pot, I played this hand so fuckin bad wow. River was a 4x and he checks. I had about $180 or so and the pot was just over $200, I was so close to betting like $75 and thought about it for a minute. I checked and he had 77, I saved money, weee.

So that is set vs. me #1.

Hand #3:

I make it $10 with AK, button calls, one more caller.

Flop is K J 5 rainbow. I bet $17, button shoves for $120. I have no read on him he just sat down. I called and he doesn't have KQ like I hoped, he has 55 which is what I should have guess since that's what happened to me all day...... set vs. me #2, so standard.

Hand #4:

This is a good one. Probably the best play I've ever seen.

EP makes it $12 (I put him on AA-QQ), weird guy calls, I call with 99.

Flop J 9 3 rainbow. EP bets $25, weird guy shoves $350... SO SICK shove bombing into my 2nd nuts when I have $225 behind weeeeeee... I call, and ship the $600 pot to him... he has JJ... I just said "what a surprise"... and that was set #3 against me for the day.

WOW I got cold decked, haven't run like that at the casino before but it was bound to happen, I can't avoid all of those sick beats every time can I? I ended up with a losing session of $250. Oh well, at least I am not pissed about it, just can't win everyday. Way she goes bubs.

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