Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb. 13 Session

So had another session today, it went alright. Played from 12:00pm til 2:30pm. Right when I got in, there was a new table opening, so I took my seat. For some reason, I can't remember the hands that I should be mentioning, I'll try my best to get them in here.

Hand #1 - 1 limper, I limp after him MP with Ad Jd, folds around to BB who checks. Flop is J 6 4. Early limper bets $5 into $7, I make it $20, he goes all in for $25 more, I call and he has K 6. He rivers a K. Very next hand, I limp with Ks Js, folds around to BB again who checks, same EP limper as last hand limped again this one. Flop is K J 4. He leads for $5 again, I make it $25, he shoves, for like $60 more, I call and he has Q 10. I held.

Hand #2 - Folds to me in LP, I make it $8 with A J, SB calls. Flop is Jx 10s 7s, SB bets $5, I make it $21, he calls. Turn is a 3d, he checks, I bet $35, putting him on spade draw. River is a 5d, he checks again, now I know I have the best hand and he missed his draw, I check behind, and I take it down. He claimed to have QJ, so I guess I could have gone to value town, but I really didn't see the point in betting. The pot was already big enough, and I put him on a draw so he isn't calling a river bet.

Hand #3 - I have 77 in the BB with 4 limpers, I check. Flop is 7x 4d 3d, SB leads out $3, I call, a limper calls. $19 in the pot. Turn is a 5x, SB bets $5, I call, so does limper. $34 in the pot, river is a 3, SB checks, I bet $35, limper folds, SB calls.

Hand #4 - QQ in the SB, 5 limpers, I make it $41, just trying to have some fun at the table, didn't really care if I picked up the blinds. A few hands earlier someone made it $50, then $25 in back to back hands, so I guess the $41 was just to poke fun, and I was sure I had the best hand. What do you know... a limper cold calls my bet. I was like WTF is that. Flop is A 10 4, I lead out for $50, I say to him "you look confused", he mucked a few seconds later.

Hand #5 - Same guy who cold called my $41, shoves pre for $4, folds to me, obviously I get AA. Huge pot.

That's pretty much it, I wish I stayed longer, my table was so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD, my fault for leaving, but I had to. Going back Thursday, will report back later........

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