Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Someone Send Me A Heater

I have never seen anything like this. No it's not crazy bad beats, but WOW.

I played for 3.5 hours. Played like 4 hands.

Hand #1:

EP makes it $7, 2 callers, I call on the button with 3 5 off, blinds complete, $42 in the pot.

Flop is 2x 6x 8c
Checks around.
Turn is 2x 6x 8c 3c
EP raiser bets $12, gets one caller. At this point, I for sure think EP is weak, and the caller is on a draw or an underpair, so I bump it up to $40, they both call.
River is 2x 6x 8c 3c 9x
They check to me, I now believe they are weak and can't call a bet here and I am not giving up on this pot. I fire out $100 leaving myself $50, and the pot was $160 before my bet, and they both folded.

Gave me some confidence for the rest of my day which obviously went well.

hand $2:

I make it $1o EP with AA. Button (weird) calls, BB (loose) calls.
Flop is 6h 7x 10h.
BB checks, I bet $25, button folds, BB makes it $50. To me, this seems like a flush draw, I have just seen it way too many times where people min raise with a flush draw. Obviously if I put him on that, why didn't I raise? No clue. I flat called. Turn was a Qx, he bets $50, I call... Again why am I not trying to take control of this pot, I played this hand so fuckin bad wow. River was a 4x and he checks. I had about $180 or so and the pot was just over $200, I was so close to betting like $75 and thought about it for a minute. I checked and he had 77, I saved money, weee.

So that is set vs. me #1.

Hand #3:

I make it $10 with AK, button calls, one more caller.

Flop is K J 5 rainbow. I bet $17, button shoves for $120. I have no read on him he just sat down. I called and he doesn't have KQ like I hoped, he has 55 which is what I should have guess since that's what happened to me all day...... set vs. me #2, so standard.

Hand #4:

This is a good one. Probably the best play I've ever seen.

EP makes it $12 (I put him on AA-QQ), weird guy calls, I call with 99.

Flop J 9 3 rainbow. EP bets $25, weird guy shoves $350... SO SICK shove bombing into my 2nd nuts when I have $225 behind weeeeeee... I call, and ship the $600 pot to him... he has JJ... I just said "what a surprise"... and that was set #3 against me for the day.

WOW I got cold decked, haven't run like that at the casino before but it was bound to happen, I can't avoid all of those sick beats every time can I? I ended up with a losing session of $250. Oh well, at least I am not pissed about it, just can't win everyday. Way she goes bubs.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb. 25 Session

Decent session today, but was supposed to be longer. I went to sit out to eat my meal and I accidentally hit quit, so I just said fuck it and ate and left.

Only one familiar face at the table (Dukee) who did quite well today.

I think I played a total of 4 hands. EP made it $6, LP caller, I made it $32 with AA in the SB, yes, big raise, but I don't want to go against anything that I usually do at the casino just to get some calls. It was also my first hand of the day, so I didn't expect any callers anyways.

The other hands were: weak UTG limps for $2, I make it $12 with JJ, folds back to him, he calls, flop is 9 7 3, he check folds to my C bet. I complete the SB with Qc6c, 5 handed. Flop is Qx 6x 3c, I lead out, no action.

Big hand of the day: UTG+1 limps ($53 - and weak/awful), I limp on the button (really weird play by me, and I still can't figure out why I did it) with Jd 10d. SB makes it $12 (has me covered - really tight), limper calls, I call.

$38 in the pot -- Flop is 8d 9d 9x.

SB leads for $40, limper shoves for $41, I shove for $220 or so and I tell the SB to call me with his AA. I told them I have the worst hand, and I never lie about my hands. SB eventually folded saying he had a big pocket pair, maybe QQ. I wasn't looking at the hands, I just wanted to look at the % to see how much of a favourite I'm going to be against this guy. I see I am 36% to win and was confused. He had Q 9 off LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Very well played with $53. I river a flush and take it down.

Nothing special today, was a quick session, but gonna keep blogging them.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My bad beat blog?

So, I'm extremely sick right now.  I never get sick, and this is probably the sickest I've ever been in my life, it really sucks so much.  I'm getting the chills, my body is constantly aching, my head feels like it is so close to exploding, it isn't good, I just can hope to fall asleep and not wake up for a long time.  But here I am, awake since I have slept for like 20 hours in the last 24.

I'm in Maine right now visiting my girlfriend for my Winter Break.  Things couldn't be any better.  I left Tuesday evening around 8pm, hit very bad weather around Sherbrooke for about 3-4 hours.  I was the only car on the road, it was midnight, the snow was a few inches deep on the road, the snowflakes were massive and I could barely see the road and I was hopelessly looking for somewhere to pull over and wait, but obviously didn't.  I just wanted to get to the border and see what it was like from there.  I finally made it to the border, the snow wasn't as bad since there were trees on both sides of the roads blocking it.  BUT, I did manage to hit a deer, so fucking standard, like god really does not want me going to Maine.  So basically, I'm driving about 40-50 km/h, I'm at the top of a hill, I can see maybe 20 feet in front of me, and I see 2 deer in the MIDDLE of the road and that's where I am driving since it's my safest bet to be with no cars on the road and the fact I can't see the lines.  I say to myself, don't slam on the brakes (icy roads), just slow down as much as possible and hope they get out of the way. They started to move, but it was too late, I missed the smallest one, but the bigger one (still small for an adult deer) got hit.  I hit it on the left side of my bumper, it flew up the hood and over the windshield and fell off over my door.  I was so scared and in shock.  I stopped, to see if there was damage and if I killed the deer.  By the time I pulled over and got out both of the deer were gone, so that was good, and there was no damage, WTF?!?!?!?!??!?! So lucky. 

The weather continued to be awful and I finally got to her house at 5am.  I got out of the car and instantly got the shakes, that's when I knew something was wrong, got into bed and was still shaking even after an hour.  Fell asleep and woke up feeling like shit.

So, after all of that, I guess I have some good news.  I played a quick 2 hour session on Monday night.  Very weak table, very easy to beat and take down pot after pot with C bets.  I was down around $170 at my lowest point after reloading like $20-$30 at a time.  Just missed flops and would get called EVERY SINGLE TIME I made a C bet with air.  I just wasn't hitting flops.  Of course I make it $12 with KK, get 2 callers and an A hits the flop, I fold of course and he showed just an ace and I told him he didn't have to show.  I didn't lose any big pots, I just lost a million small ones in like an hour.

I managed to win 3 decent pots to help succumb my $170 losses.

I made it $10 with AK, get 2 callers.  Flop is K Q 3r, I check, guy to my left bets $10, I make it $35, he calls instantly.  From my read on the guy, he could very well have JJ, or Q 8 here, he is a terrible player and would have raised me with better than one pair here.  Turn was a 5, I bet $50, he calls, river was a Q, I shoved.  I said to my self, I can't show weakness here and think forever on this river, so I just shoved, if he had a Q, so be it.  It was a $120 shove into $150 or so.  He thought forEVER and folded and showed K 9.  How does he fold that.  He said "do you have the queen?"  I didn't say a word.  But seriously, he puts me on the Q the way I played that hand? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

EP made it $8 (makes it 8 with decent hands, makes it 6 with anything else).  I call on the button with AsQs.  Flop is A 6 A.  He checks.  He would do this with AK, Aq, 66 etc.  If he bet out at this pot right away, he would be bluffing that's just how he plays.  So I fire $12, he calls.  Turn was a 7, he checked again.  Again, he would still do this with a better hand than me.  I bet $35, and I'm betting to make it seem like I don't have an A.  If I check, I think it's too suspicious, on my part, but now that I think about it, maybe it could have made it seem like I don't have an A if I checked, making it seem like I bluffed the turn.  Anyways, he calls the $35, and it turns out to be good that I bet the turn.  He checks the 5 river after thinking for a minute.  This really threw me off, and it shouldn't have.  I checked behind, stupidly, and he had KK.  I should have known that the long wait means he wants a check on the river.  The player he is, I could seriously see him checking every street with a boat or AK since I had been betting so hard all night with air.  I was just worried about a check shove on the river - I definately think hard on that one.

UTG makes it $11 (had been doing this all night), one caller right after him, I call in the CO with AQ.  Flop is K  J  4.  UTG bets $10 into $36, UTG+1 calls, I call hoping for a 10, maybe even an A and I'm getting 5:1.  Turn is a Q, UTG bets $25, UTG+1 calls.  $110 in the pot, $25 for me to call, and 4 outs for the nuts, 2 for trips (which can win the hand), 3 for an A which might win the pot with 2 pair.  I call with almost 5:1.  River is a 9, they both check.  Either one of these players for sure bets with a decent hand here, they are obv scared of the straight, and my bets lately have only shown monsters.  I bet $60, they both fold and UTG says he had a K.  I said good fold and left.  I got to the "cage" and cashed out.  I always put $600 on my card, and always cash it out after every session.  She says "$620" I do a double take and said "say that again please", and she said it again.  I was so happy for making $20, I thought I was still in the hole for the night, haha.  I had a good laugh with myself.

Anyways, that's the update for now.  Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb. 13 Session

So had another session today, it went alright. Played from 12:00pm til 2:30pm. Right when I got in, there was a new table opening, so I took my seat. For some reason, I can't remember the hands that I should be mentioning, I'll try my best to get them in here.

Hand #1 - 1 limper, I limp after him MP with Ad Jd, folds around to BB who checks. Flop is J 6 4. Early limper bets $5 into $7, I make it $20, he goes all in for $25 more, I call and he has K 6. He rivers a K. Very next hand, I limp with Ks Js, folds around to BB again who checks, same EP limper as last hand limped again this one. Flop is K J 4. He leads for $5 again, I make it $25, he shoves, for like $60 more, I call and he has Q 10. I held.

Hand #2 - Folds to me in LP, I make it $8 with A J, SB calls. Flop is Jx 10s 7s, SB bets $5, I make it $21, he calls. Turn is a 3d, he checks, I bet $35, putting him on spade draw. River is a 5d, he checks again, now I know I have the best hand and he missed his draw, I check behind, and I take it down. He claimed to have QJ, so I guess I could have gone to value town, but I really didn't see the point in betting. The pot was already big enough, and I put him on a draw so he isn't calling a river bet.

Hand #3 - I have 77 in the BB with 4 limpers, I check. Flop is 7x 4d 3d, SB leads out $3, I call, a limper calls. $19 in the pot. Turn is a 5x, SB bets $5, I call, so does limper. $34 in the pot, river is a 3, SB checks, I bet $35, limper folds, SB calls.

Hand #4 - QQ in the SB, 5 limpers, I make it $41, just trying to have some fun at the table, didn't really care if I picked up the blinds. A few hands earlier someone made it $50, then $25 in back to back hands, so I guess the $41 was just to poke fun, and I was sure I had the best hand. What do you know... a limper cold calls my bet. I was like WTF is that. Flop is A 10 4, I lead out for $50, I say to him "you look confused", he mucked a few seconds later.

Hand #5 - Same guy who cold called my $41, shoves pre for $4, folds to me, obviously I get AA. Huge pot.

That's pretty much it, I wish I stayed longer, my table was so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD, my fault for leaving, but I had to. Going back Thursday, will report back later........

Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb. 11 Session

I booked a 4 hour session today. Played on 2 tables, since my first one got boring and I couldn't catch a hand worth playing to beat these guys, so I moved. No, I'm not superstitious about the fact that I wasn't getting any cards, so I moved.

I got there around 11am, and my table had 5 players on it. Three hands in I get AA in MP. Normally on a full ring I would raise to $12 or $15 depending on the limpers, but it was only six handed without a limper so I made it my standard $8. What do you know, I get 4 callers. $34 in the pot, flop is K Q 7 rainbow, checks to me, I bet $30, folds to SB who shoves for $17 more, I call, he has 10 J, I hold.

Didn't have much going, I had great reads on all of them, no limpers, I make it $10 with Kd2d, obviously I get 4 callers. Flop is As 5s 6s. It checks around. Turn is a Jx, checks to me, I bet $30, guy to my left INSTA calls, everyone else folds. River is a 9x. I bet $35 into $100 or so. He thinks for a while, then folds and shows Ax2x. I show my 2.

This hand really confused me, but whatever, I made the right plays, wrong result, it happens. One limper, I make it $15 with AQ (hadn't played a hand in about an hour), SB calls with $20 behind (obv smart move), limper calls. Flop is 8 6 3, SB insta shoves, limper thinks then folds, I insta call because I can't fold getting good pot odds. SB flips over 10s9s, and the turn was a 9 and he held. I left the table a few hands later with a profit of $4 - yipee!

It's around 2:00pm, and I get to my new table and I had played with some of them, and one of my friends gave me the update on how the others are playing. I played 2 hands then bounced. EP makes it $8, folds to me in the SB and I call with AhJh, BB calls. Flop is Ad Jd 7x, I check, BB checks, EP bets $12, I make it $35, BB folds, EP calls. Turn is a 2x, I bet $100, he has $89 left, he makes the crying call with QQ and I hold.

LAG MP makes it $10, folds to me in the SB and I make it $36 with AKo, he calls. Flop is 8 7 3, I bet $50, he shoves for $50 more, I of course am not a fan of my hand anymore, but I can't fold, there is too much in the pot, and in my best case, the way I know this player, I could be racing against an OESD. I call $50 more into $220, and he has AQ, I hold.

Profit of $252.50 on the session, good start to the week.

Back to Cash Games

I had a good Christmas break and didn't play much poker. Since my last post, I have no longer been driving across the border to Awkwesasne because of the poker room at Lac Leamy finally opening.

I must say, at first, I was not inclined to going to play. I wasn’t motivated at all with the idea of electronic tables, but alas, after a few drinks on a Sunday night with Adam, I go. I was amazed at this place. The atmosphere is awesome, I enjoyed the electronic tables, and the players are awful.

I have played around 45 hours so far, and have made a steady profit of around $2200. I won’t recap all of my sessions, since it would be way too long, and I can’t remember many hands, but I will see if I can remember a few good ones.

I am sitting with $240, folds to me in LP, I make it $12 with QQ, loose button calls, and weird SB calls. Flop is 3 3 3 , SB checks, I bet $30, folds to SB and he calls. Turn is a 5, he checks again, I bet $70, and he calls. At this point, I figure he has a small overpair, any bigger pair and I’m sure he would raise me. River is a 7 and he checks again, I shove for my last $120 or so and he thinks for a minute and says “Well, I think you got me, I call”. He shows A 8 off. Thank you.

I have $300, loose guy makes it $10 in LP, guy I have no read on calls, I call in the SB with JJ. Flop is 2 2 5, I lead for $30, raiser folds, guy raise to $75, leaving himself $40 behind or so. I shove and he calls with K 2. I spike a J on the riv-bomb and rake in the pot. Standard cold call with K 2 pre right?

I have $215, and limp UTG with KK at a crazy table. MP makes it $25, and there is a caller, LOOOOOOOOL, I pop it up to $75 and they both fold. I hadn’t played a hand in like 2 hours. At the same table, I hadn’t played a hand in another 2 hours and limp again UTG with 10c9c hoping to see a cheap flop, 4 others limp, loose donk in the BB makes it 12, I call, so does everyone else. Flop is 5c 7x 3c, BB bets $25, I make it $75, folds back to him and he folds and shows Q 7 saying you I’m the tightest player in the world.

I have $400, tight MP makes it $8, tight solid player makes it $25, and I’m in the SB dreaming that I get AA. What do you know, I have AA, usually at the casino, the 3rd raise means AA, which sucks cause I really want to raise, but will most likely take the pot down right there, or hopefully he can’t fold his KK. I don’t want to flat and let the original raiser in and get sucked out on, rather isolate and get heads up. So I make it $80 and he snap calls. He has $220 behind on the flop. Flop is 9 6 3, I bet $100 into $170, he says “that’s a big bet”. I tell him “I have 2 hands, well actually only 1. Aces.” He says, “Okay, I’m all in”. No way in hell he re popped to $25 and snap calls $80 with 99 66 or 33. I call and he has QQ, I expected KK or even AA. Anyways, $600 pot, weeeeeeeee.

I limp with my favourite hand 8c5c, 4 more limps, button makes it $12, BB calls, I call knowing everyone else is calling. Flop is 6x 7c 9c. I check, someone shoves for $25, button calls, I shove for $178 total. Button says, you got like a set of 7’s or something, I call. $25 donk has 10 6, no 8 please. Button has AcKc, no club please. I hold, $400 pot.

All in all, I love this place, I go there everday during the day, make some money, and go home. I love it. I will try to update from each session from now on, hopefully I can keep up. I’ll be back…