Monday, October 27, 2008

Lac Leamy Update

It has been a long time since going to Lac Leamy. I came "out of retirement" last Monday and went back. I haven't gone because it's such a long drive and there isn't much action... well I was wrong. Other than the really annoying drive, the action is still awesome. I went last Monday, yesterday (Sunday) and tonight (Monday).

Last Monday I cashed out ~$200 profit. Made my money on one hand basically. Called a preflop raise of $8 with AK in the SB. The original raiser was the button and a terrible player. Stacks off extremely light, so cold called pre in hopes of hitting a K or A and hoping he had any piece and would bust. 4 handed, flop was K Q 7, checks around to the button who bets $30 into $32, which was his standard betting line if he had a piece. I shoved for just over $200 and he called with K8.

On Sunday I cashed out ~$120 profit. I was there for just over 4 hours and had never folded so many hands preflop in my life, I don't even know how I got over a $300 stack. I won like 2 $50 pots and won big pot with Ad Jd. I limped UTG with Ad Jd, 3 more limpers, flop is 10d 8d 5x, I lead out $8 into $12 insane crazy asian player who is a regular and will play any hand makes it $30 with like $100 behind. I re shove knowing he's calling but putting him on a weak 10 or even a weak pair. Assuming I have 9 outs to the flush and 6 over cards, I was happy with my play. He ended up having A T and I hit a flush - that was the end for that night, folded forever after that hand.

Tonight was by far my best session at the casino since I have gone. I was running really hot, it was awesome. Having Le Canadien sit at the 1/2 table for fun made it that much better. It was a really fun table.

I had a few big hands which I will talk about.

I limp with AJ in MP after 1 limper, 1 limper after me, button makes it $5, all the limpers call. The button raiser was a younger player who stacks off really light - I mean extremely light. He called off his whole stack ($50) on a limped pot pre, with A2 on a 2 8 Q flop. Doubled up by hitting an A, so it was obviously a stack that was ready to be dumped all over the place - The flop came Jh Th 5x, I led out for $15 into $20, he called. The turn was a Jh Th 5x Ax, I bet $30 this time, he thought for a few seconds and really looked like he was gonna raise which I wanted, but he flat called. The river brought J T 5 A A and I bet $50 into $90 and he shoved for $50 or something and he had KQ.

I'm in the BB with AcXx, I'm pretty sure the action was checked around til the river and I bet $25 into $50 (totally forget how the pot got this big). The board was Kc Qc Tc 8c 5x and I bet $25, the player re shoves for $17 more I call, he has Kx2c, wp.

This hand I get involved with Le Canadien. I raise preflop UTG+1 with QcTc to $10, it folds to him on the button and he calls, the blinds fold. This limit is really low for him, and he was playing like a lagtard all night, so if you hit well, you are like 90% getting action. The flop was Ac 6c 7x, I bet $12 into $23, he makes it $30, I call with my flush draw. Turn was a Ac 6c 7x 9x. I check and he bet $75 into $83. I thought for sure the pot was bigger for him to bet $75 cause I don't think I call $75 into $83, the odds are awful, however, he had over $400 to start the hand and so did I so the implied odds were in my favour, unless he puts me on a flush draw. Anyways, I thought for a few seconds and then called assuming I have 12 outs. If I had the naked flush draw, I would probably fold. I put him on AQ, AJ, AT, A6, A7, A9 - and he will hopefully pay me on the river. The river was a disguisable 8 for my gutterball and I just shoved instantly hoping he puts me on a busted flush draw and he called with 66. I had now over $700.

I called a $10 raise from Le Canadien with 55 after one other caller in front of me, one more caller behind me. Flop was J T 5, Le Canadien bets $25, I make it $80, he calls. Turn was a 3 and he checked, at this point, I put him on AJ, KJ, KQ since he probably re-shoves the flop with AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, JT. After writing this out, I realized I made a really dumb shove on the turn. With $190 or so in the pot, I could have bet $125 or something for a value bet, but I think that makes my hand look to strong. I think shoving here really makes my hand look like a bluff and it doesn't look like a set. Usually a set wants to value bet here. Against any other player at the table, I go to value town big time, but since it was against Le Canadien, he calls off light here. He thought for a few minutes and said he folded KK - 2 minutes later he said he had QJ, so who knows what he had. I just wish I value bet him instead, oh well.

I had put him on some major tilt after the Q T hand and I took that into consideration on the previous hand where I flopped a set. This hand was similar but I obviously took it way too far against him. I limped UTG with 33, he had around $340 again - he was a roller coaster up and down all night, as is a crazy LAG player - and he made it $25 on the button. $25 was his standard raise once he started tilting. I called with awesome implied odds and with a stack of like $800 and hoping to flop a set and get paid. Flop was A 8 3, I checked, he bet $50 into $53, I shoved and he thought forever and folded. I really thought he was calling here, he said he had AK, I believe him, therefore my move was retardedly dumb. I could have cold called here and gotten so much more out of him. But raising here gets more money in the pot and more value for me so I should have made it $125 or something like that.

Ugh, after writing all that, it seems I made 2 really stupid moves against him, and it's pissing me off cause I played really stupid. Hopefully next time I think before I just instantly shove in with a monster. It just sucks cause he's the only player I would do that against since he was just calling his stack off every single time with top pair weak kicker or draws etc. Fuck I'm dumb... whatever $1,000 at the casino in a week, I'll take it. I'm playing well, running well and always do well at the casino, so hopefully the steak continues. Thanks for reading...

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