Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another Good Session

After my session on Monday, I went back on Thursday and played from around 8-close. It was the last day the casino would be closing, which is cool to have 24/7 poker during the week. This session was a bit of a grind, but it didn't feel I was there for 8 hours. I did make one huge mistake where I lost so much value on the last hand of the night. I'll recap some hands, I think there were only 3 or 4.

I was down $60 to start (including this hand), and then started winning some pots.

UTG made it $11 (solid player, was getting PAID every single time he had the nuts, people just kept bluffing him, it was so stupid.) Folds to MP who shoves for $34 total, he was really tight and just blinded down, he bought in for $50 I think. I get QQ on the button and flat call. I wanted UTG in the hand, but in case he had AA or KK, he would re pop here 100%, so I figure if he doesn't, he has AK, AQ, JJ or lower. Flop is A J J, UTG and I check it down and he has 1010, the shover has KJ and takes the pot down, he left immediately, which seems to be a growing trend at the casino every time I go. So many hit and runs.

New player at the table MP, $100 behind maybe a bit less, makes it $8, folds to me, I call with 7h8h in the cut off, EP limper calls. $27 in the pot, flop us 5x 6h 10h, EP checks, raiser bets $15, i make it $40, EP folds, guy shoves for like $60 more, I call, he has JJ. I hit a 9 on the turn to take it down.

Two decent players limp EP, their range is big since they are limping, tight player makes it $7 with $100 behind, I call in the SB with Ah 3h knowing the limpers are calling and if I hit a big flop I can hopefully stack the tight player and anyone else. The tight players range here is AA - JJ, and AK, AQ. Flop is 3 3 K. Checks to the tight player who bets $15, I make it $35 folds back to him and he shoves, I hope he doesn't have KK, if he does whatever I'm paying him anyways. I call quickly and he has AA and misses his one outer.

This is the hand I played so stupidly and bad and I hate myself for it. I missed so much value I think, but maybe not. Please help me...

We are 4 handed, and this is the last hand of the night. First position opens for $7, he had been raising every second hand since a full table so his range is extremely wide here. To make things interesting, I had just had AA and KK back to back hands, and right as he raises to $7 he says be careful, I have the rockets. I said "do you seriously have aces right now?" and he said yes, and I called with 8d 9d. SB and BB call as well. The flop was 7 10 3 rainbow. Mr. I have aces bets $15 into $28. I call getting 3:1 which is fairly good odds to draw too and we both have deep stacks. I have $500 or so, he has around $700. SB and BB fold and there is $53 in the pot (after rake). Turn is a J. He bets $20, this is where I got stupid and funny just to have fun on the last hand of the night. I min raised which is a play I never used ever in poker and hate it when anyone else does it, I just think it's the stupidest play for NLHE. I make it $40 and he calls, and I asked him one more time if he has AA, and he kept saying he did. So this is where I think it was okay for what I did on the river. The river was a Q making AK the nuts and my hand the 3rd nuts. He leads out for $50 into $133. I asked him again, do you really have AA? and he said yes one more time, so I made it $125 and he called with AA getting insane odds. I think I lost alot of value on the turn by just min raising. I should have made it around $60 so I could get more on the river, but in turn, he knows I know he has AA and could easily have him beat with Q 10, J 10, a set, etc. So maybe he would figure that out and wouldn't call a big bet on the river. Oh well, I am still kicking myself for making that dumb play cause I hate min raising so much aksudhaskjdhaskdhakdsa asljdhaksdha123yu2ihqwadjkasd.

I profited $430 for the night.

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