Monday, December 15, 2008

$4.40s, Turningstone, $25NL

This is gonna be quick. As previously stated in a few posts ago, I had finally turned things around and built my roll back up and made some profit from the $4.40s. Well, I finally have won a few since then and have just been dominating. I haven't been playing them as much as I was in the fall, but I'll be back at it soon - I have just been playing other MTT's and lots of cash games. I have probably made around $1200 in $4.40s since my MTT experience.

Turningstone was sick, I finally was able to go. I played the Friday deepstacks and got nothing going, it sucked. Sick structure though, like unreal, I loved it. 16,500 starting stack and blinds start at 25/50 with 40 minute levels. Saturday's tourny was the same except a $350 buy in. I managed to get to the final two tables before busting 20th for a measily $424 - felt like the biggest waste of time in my life. We started at 11:00am and I busted at 2:00am - 13 hours of horseshit. Although I must say it felt incredibly good to get that far for not hitting many hands. Honestly, I hit 2 sets, BOTH at the 50/100 level. The first hand: MP limper, CO (fairly lag in position) makes it 300, I call on the button with 44, the SB makes it 1100, folds to me I call. Flop Q 4 7 rainbow, we get it in and I hold against AA. Boom, up to roughly 30k after that, then flopped a set with 22 after raising pre and got no action on the flop. After that, I just got nothing going, I made a sick shove on a K 7 4 flop with QT after calling a 3 bet preflop in position and shoved his flop bet. Most of my chips were accumulated preflop. At the 600/1200 level I chipped up from 32k to 75k no showdown.

As for cash games, I'm 8 tabling $0.10/$0.25 on stars to give it a try. I usually do it after busting from tournys or when I don't feel like playing MTTs. So far, I have played for 6 days and I'm up around 9 buy ins, it's pretty cool. Played around 7,000 hands. That's all for now...