Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's Been A While

Today I told myself, when I get out of bed, I'm going to finally update my blog, because I have the time. It's been over a month now since my last update, and there are great things going on. Since my last post, I have been extremely busy with school finishing up assignments and studying for my final exams that finished Friday the 20th! I still have managed to play a bit on PokerStars and Eurolinx, and have done quite well. On Eurolinx, I have almost reached my goal for the summer and my goal was to be able to multi table $0.5/$1 with at least $4,000. I am almost up to $2000, and well on my way to being able to play the limit I want to. Even if I don't get the $4,000 I want, I think I will still open up 1 or 2 tables at $0.5/$1.

On Stars, I have been running really well. In the last 8 days, I have managed to final table five $4.40's. I won 2 of them, 4th in 2 others and a 9th place finish. This is a huge accomplishment for me because it took me 2 months to finally win one and now I am consistently winning them. Also, a few weeks ago I played my first live tournament in over a year and I managed to take 2nd place for $260 from a $40 buy in. Aside from the $4.40's, I am also playing $0.10/$0.25 cash games to see what they are like on Stars, and so far I have broken even. I'll be up $100 one night, then lost all my profit the next but I am still playing my best, but I made some stupid bluffs, but also missed some huge draws for 3-way all ins for $75 pots. Just last night I had 5d8d, and made it $1 preflop from MP, SB and BB called and the flop was Ad 6x Jd, there was a ton of action on the flop and then I turned an open-ended straight draw and I missed everything, and they only had top pair, weak kicker. So goes to show there are some pretty weak players that I am playing against, I am just missing my monster draws.

I have also started work recently at a golf course in barrhaven and the hours I have to work are pretty crazy, so that will be keeping me busy for a while. I will be working 6am - at least 3pm, usually it is longer. Yesterday I worked 8am til 7pm. So it's been a ton of work to do, but I guess they want to be able to have the course open sooner than later. I hope I still have the energy to play poker after long days outside. It will suck if I don't because I won't be able to play any poker at all this summer. Turns out I will be working weekends too. Anyways just needed to get an update out there, I know it looks funny right after my good friend fishbones11 did his, but this has been waiting a while and today I told myself I would do it. I told myself I would make updates everyday, but that was back when I was excited to have a blog, but maybe I can still keep it up with the updates now, we'll see.